Flash to HTML5 Conversion: 5 Benefits to Millennials [Slideshare]
Converting your Flash eLearning to HTML5 can be beneficial for millennials in many ways. Not convinced? Here are 5 benefits of Flash to HTML5 conversion to be considered!
![Flash to HTML5 Conversion: 5 Benefits to Millennials [Slideshare] Flash to HTML5 Conversion: 5 Benefits to Millennials [Slideshare]](https://blog.commlabindia.com/hubfs/Imported_Blog_Media/flash-html5-elearning-conversion-benefits-millennials.jpg)
I am sure you’ve heard the Steve Jobs’ narrative already! But, just in case you haven’t, here’s what happened.
In the year 2010, Jobs decided that he was not going to support Flash in any iOS device because he predicted that it will soon be dead. He was right! Adobe has decided to end support for Flash by the end of the year 2020. One of the biggest reasons for the diminishing popularity of Flash is its incompatibility with mobile devices (something the millennials cannot live without!) So, now what?
There is one solution – Convert your Flash legacy courses to HTML5!
HTML5 is slowly taking over the throne, owing to its multiple benefits, especially for the millennial workforce that is constantly multi-tasking and working/learning on the go! Flash to HTML5 conversion is very beneficial for the millennial workforce since HTML5 based courses are compatible on mobile devices, provide great strategies to learn and grow, and support immersive learning (which is of great interest for the young workforce today!).
Explore why Flash to HTML5 eLearning conversion is the need of the hour through this webinar on the Adobe Flash Phase Out.
Let’s take a look at the benefits of Flash eLearning to HTML5 conversion for the new generation workforce (quite aptly named “screenagers”)
Now that you are up-to-date with the benefits of Flash eLearning to HTML5 conversion, what are you waiting for?
2020 is coming to an end and the millennials are growing restless. Convert your Flash courses to HTML5 before it’s too late!
Want to learn more? Take a look at our eBook to understand the 4 ‘R’s of Flash to HTML5 Conversion.