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Video-based Learning: Make Compliance Training Worth Taking

Video-based Learning: Make Compliance Training Worth Taking

In many organizations across sectors, a huge portion of the budget is allocated to compliance and ethics training, sometimes, more than half of the entire training budget, and why not? Mandatory online trainings on basic ethics, sexual harassment, and compliance are a part of an employee’s learning routine in any organization. However, if these trainings include a multiple-choice question about a black-and-white ethical situation with an obvious correct answer, you may be doing ethics and compliance training wrong. And it’s reasonable to find employees frustrated and wondering, “Why is my company making me do this?”

With so many creative instructional strategies available for online compliance training, both your   training programme and employees certainly deserve better. Using videos for training employees on ethics and compliance has become the latest trend. In this blog, let’s look at how video-based eLearning – one of the most widely used instructional strategies for online training – can make your ethics and compliance training interesting and effective.

1. Branching Narratives/Scenarios are Best Explained Using Videos

In order to comply with the regulatory bodies, it is mandatory to train all employees on the dos and don’ts of ethics and compliance. The best way to train them is through scenarios. Using scenarios is a great way to help employees see the consequences of real-world compliance mistakes. However, cutting short the long and tedious courses into short scenario-based modules will not be enough. In other words, scenarios alone cannot do the job.

Turning scenarios into videos, however, will give them a true makeover. Videos are an ideal medium to tell narratives, and scenarios – which have a well-thought-out narrative working within context and explain dos and don’ts of compliance and ethics – are a fitting combination.

A video-scenario creates a lasting impression in the minds of employees when it comes to compliance training. To learn more about scenarios and videos, head here.

 2. Millennials Expect Technology and Fun in Learning

 Companies that fail to recognize and integrate streaming video to their online compliance training courses, already risk being left behind in the competitive curve. In doing so, they are also ignoring the learning preferences and the needs of the fastest growing segment of their workforce – the millennials.

Millennials across global and multi-national organizations are embracing video consumption. Their comfort level with day-to-day technology means that they respond well to the digital way of learning and delivery, in which videos play a significant role. Tech-savvy organizations are increasingly leveraging the benefits of video-based eLearning to maximize employee engagement, and enhance learning among the workforce.

3. Reach Out to Global, Dispersed Employees

Every global organization has employees spread all over the world, a workforce comprising employees from different countries and cultures, and speaking in different tongues. Getting every employee together for the training under one place can be a bit of a challenge, given both the geographical and linguistic barriers. Not to forget the different types of compliance rules across countries. It becomes rather difficult to design ethics training that’s going to work equally for the different backgrounds, and specific needs of every learner.

A good alternative to offering a regular online compliance course to far-flung employees is to use videos. Videos can be easily distributed among the workforce over the Internet, which they can access from the comfort of their Smartphones. You can also include recorded webinars and video training sessions. Although webinars are not that interactive, employees at least get that much-needed in-person experience, even when they’re away from the main branch.

4. Great Supplement for Instructor-led Training

If compliance training in the organization is strictly paper-based learning, then videos can be used as a reinforcement training, highlighting the key points from the classroom training. The sheer volume and speed of regulatory changes is a challenge for organizations across sectors. To ensure that employees keep pace with change and to jog their memory regarding the numerous regulations, bite-sized videos highlighting the main compliance regulations can be delivered at spaced intervals, which they can access anytime, anywhere. One could also achieve blended learning for optimal learning in the process. You could give learners access to the video recordings over a Learning Management System (LMS) or as performance support to reinforce learning.

With the increased availability of Smartphones at the workplace, the chances of providing effective and engaging compliance training for everyone is now a reality. And the verdict across organizations is positive, to say the least. When it comes to ethics and compliance training, video is the most popular way of sharing information within the corporate community. If you wish to avoid boring your employees with long, text-only compliance training programs, video-based eLearning is a great alternative.

Instructional Design Strategies to Design Engaging eLearning Courses