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Give Compliance Training a Makeover with Scenarios in Videos

Give Compliance Training a Makeover with Scenarios in Videos

Every organization wants the best performance from their employees. But, skill is not the only thing that allows employees to give their 100% to your company. Each organization and industry is required to follow certain rules while trying to deliver an optimal output. The process of educating employees on the laws, regulations, and company policies that apply to their day-to-day responsibilities is broadly referred to as compliance training.

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As you can guess, educating people about rules and regulations can get boring. Compliance training means that there are no concepts to think about and understand, just a whole lot of information to grasp. This deters active learner participation and makes compliance training a dull activity.

Scenarios in Compliance Training

But, it doesn’t always have to be boring. You can use real world scenarios to make compliance training exciting and engaging. Scenarios are basically imaginary situations that are relevant to the learners and the topic they are learning. Scenarios depict content in the form of a dialogue between two or more people. They can be placed in the natural settings of learners, such as a conference room, sales showroom, or a normal office environment.

Interactive scenarios give employees the opportunity to make choices that lead to rewards or consequences. Hence, they are ideal tools for making online compliance training fun, as employees automatically develop a connection with the situation or problem being conveyed. Scenarios allows learners to see the real value of the online compliance training process, thanks to the fact that it ties to real world applications. This can make the learning experience more meaningful and productive for everyone involved.

While using scenarios is great, it still doesn’t help you solve your problem, as users might still lose interest. If your compliance processes are long and tedious, then scenarios can do only so much to cut it short and make it interesting. If you want to give compliance training a true makeover, then convey scenarios through videos.

Using videos for training is transforming the way employees learn, by creating a more engaging and richer experience for trainees. They are short and crisp, which makes them ideal for today’s time-parched generation. Using videos allows you to deploy information more quickly, as it provides easy access to useful content anywhere, anytime.

But can videos be used for scenarios?

At its essence, video is a storytelling medium. By combining visuals and audio, it creates a powerful mode to convey any complex story. This makes it ideal for depicting scenarios that have compliance training integrated in them – what are scenarios if not stories that tell you about the rules and regulations of your organization? By combining animation techniques and voiceovers, videos can effectively convey complicated scenarios involving company specific jargons.

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The best part is, videos can do this without making it boring. The color scheme and background score of the video can complement the dryness of the content. This balances things out and helps learners gain useful knowledge from the training. Innovative use of on-screen textual elements and imagery can be made to easily break down complex terminology and policies.

As watching videos is fun as compared to reading, or even listening to audio, learners will watch it without any hesitation, multiple times. Things that are not clear in the first go can be refined in further viewings. As videos are mobile-friendly, they can be accessed conveniently from a smartphone, as per the needs of the learner. Using videos also opens up avenues to introduce humor in an otherwise dull compliance topic. You can center the entire topic around cute animated characters with funny voices. You can offer your employees a small dose of humor by integrating the occasional lighthearted character banter, a witty comment, or even a real world example that features humorous elements. Remember that the humor should be positive, motivational, and always in-line with what is culturally appropriate for your organization.

On top of everything, using videos for scenarios can boost the knowledge retention rate among learners. We might not remember what we read a few hours ago, but we remember a scene from a movie, years after we’ve seen it. Similarly, a video-scenario will create a lasting impression on the minds of learners to really embed your compliance training in their minds.

Video is the learning medium of the millennial generation. Scenario-videos not only save time, but also get the job done with more efficiency. Use them to breathe a new life into your compliance training.

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