5 Areas Where Video-based Training Can Be Effective
Learn how video-based training can be an effective training method.

V ideo-based training is one of the hottest e-learning trends today. This is due to increasing reliance on technology for training. According to an article in trainingmag.com, more than one-third of workplace education and training is technology-based. Videos are one of these technology-based training tools. They visually explain to learners what they need to learn. Videos show in pictures and words, the content of the training.
Another reason videos are an effective training tool is the pictorial superiority effect; the phenomenon whereby pictures and images are better remembered than just words, indicates how videos can be effective.
Video-based training has caught on with training managers who are looking to capture the attention of learners and enrich their online training initiatives. Let us look at five areas where video-based training can be used to create an impact.
1. Videos for product sales training
In an environment of quick product launches, regular updates, and numerous competitors, product sales training has to be immediate and impactful.
- Videos can provide information in short, quick bursts to sales personnel who should be aware of the pulse of the customer and up to speed on the latest products and their features to convince a potential customer.
- Demo videos can be created for products, especially those that cannot be physically carried around. These videos can be embedded into your online courses and a number of people can be trained on the product, without actually visiting the shop floor.
- Product videos can be uploaded to a salesperson’s mobile to provide just-in time learning; he can view videos on the go. He can access a video to provide relevant information before meeting a customer, or enhance a sales presentation.
2. Videos for new hire training
New hire training or induction training can become that much more exciting with videos. Imagine your new employees going through a series of boring classroom lectures on your company values, culture, and rules. At the end of the training, you will have an employee who is reeling under information overload, with a vague idea of the company, at the best.
What would happen if you used videos for the same ? One video which contains a warm, inspiring message – ideally featuring the CEO of the company – welcoming the new hire and another on the values, mission, and vision of the company. Videos about the company, job description, and even a typical day in the new hire’s team can be included in new hire training.
Such videos:
- Offer a visual communication between the employee and the organization, which is similar to a one-to-one training, and creates better impact than just reading about the company.
- Will truly engage the learner. This is important because according to a study by SHRM, new employees are 69% more likely to remain with the company if they are onboarded effectively.
3. Videos for software training
As a dynamic organization, you might be developing or implementing new software applications. You need to deploy software training to your employees.
Software training through simulations becomes easy through videos. They can:
- Show the working of software applications and train a large number of employees at the same time.
- Demonstrate step-by-step procedures and ways to navigate through the software.
- Teach employees how to use the software effectively and understand its features. This reduces operation time and errors. Role-based videos where learners learn about operating the software for tasks specific to their roles, prevent them from going through the operation of the whole software, which will be a waste of time and of little value.
4. Videos for soft skills training
Lack of soft skills in employees can impact productivity because they affect interpersonal relations and the ability to collaborate at the workplace.
Soft skills require to be taught through demonstrations of body language or nuances particular to a situation. Providing live training on these skills to different sets of employees at different points of time requires recreating the situation again and again with special trainers and can be a costly, difficult affair.
Soft skills such as communication, leadership, and problem solving can be taught through videos. Videos with scenarios that demonstrate these skills can be created on a one-time basis and used numerous times.
- It is easier for learners to master facial expressions or gain situational awareness by watching these videos.
- Watching them again and again will help your employees learn better and improve workplace interactions.
5. Videos for process training
Learning about a process by watching a video is easier than reading about it. Videos help learners retain information for a long time. Product operation can be taught in a series of steps through videos.
- Videos on fixing problems in a machine can be effective to teach service technicians.
- Videos can teach complex business workflows in an articulate way. The steps to be followed, for instance, by the product engineering or testing team can be described through videos.
- Videos can be used as a post-training resource, especially after live trainings of complex processes.
Video-based training is a hot trend today. The advantages it offers of being accessible to learners anytime and anywhere on their mobile devices makes them receptive to this training method.
For your organization, videos mean better learner retention and variety in course material delivery. Videos are scalable; they can be modified based on changes in the course material, and reused by learners. Consider how you can make the best use of video-based training, based on the ideas shared in this post.