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5 Corporate Training Solutions to Engage Modern Workforce

The corporate training environment has experienced 180 degrees of transformation and the changes are not going to stop anytime soon. Over the last few years, organizations are struggling to determine training solutions to address the learning needs of the modern workforce.

Though traditional training methods may be preferred by some, the majority of the workforce includes millennials. They are a mobile-friendly generation; hence you need a training solution that provides anytime anywhere learning to engage modern learners. According to the data from Bersin by Deloitte, 30% of full-time employees do most of their work somewhere other than the employer’s location. Modern learners have a short attention span and can be disengaged easily, you need a training solution to reach your employees from anywhere.

While you want to engage modern learners, let us also make their onboarding easier. Grab our eBook to make millennial onboarding successful.

Training Solutions to Engage the Modern Workforce


The current workforce includes the majority of millennials. Millennials are a generation that comes with a short attention span and full calendars. For them, work is a small part of their life, unlike the older generation. Asking them to spend hours on the long monotonous courses is not advisable. What you will see is a demotivated and disengaged workforce.

Short bite-sized courses are a solution to engage them. Microlearning is an effective training solution to engage modern learners. Microlearning is a highly effective and engaging training solution that can be incorporated into learners’ everyday work schedules as short learning segments can be completed in minutes.

Millennials are a generation with information at their fingertips. Microlearning formats such as videos, infographics, eLearning, interactive PDFs, etc. allow learners to access training content for just-in-time learning. Microlearning proves to be beneficial for modern learners as well as organizations because it is cost-effective and time efficient.

Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT)

Setting up a classroom with trainers is an expensive affair. Many organizations are looking for a training solution where they can save the cost involved in setting up a classroom and also involve interaction with the trainer and social learning.

Enter VILT!

VILT is an effective alternative to traditional instructor-led training. It is when training is provided by an instructor in a virtual environment. VILT is a highly engaging training solution for modern learners. It lets the learners interact with trainers and among themselves, and learners can engage in productive activities and discussions.

VILT offers the benefits of classroom training but in a virtual environment. Getting the best of both formats. It is also a cost-effective solution because it saves the setup of classrooms and other logistics. Many organizations are opting for VILT elements such as polls, breakout rooms, chat rooms, emoticons, etc. to involve and engage their modern workforce.

Mobile Learning

Gen Z’s love for technology cannot be denied. If you are looking for an effective and engaging training solution for modern learners, look no further and make mobile learning your reliable training partner. Mobile learning is not a new concept but the changing learning needs of the modern workforce have made it a popular training solution.

With an increase in remote and, hybrid workforce organizations need a training solution that provides anytime and anywhere learning to employees. Mobile learning has been proven to be an efficient training methodology to engage modern learners.

Scenario-Based Learning

Scenario-based learning is an engaging and interactive training solution ideal for the modern workforce. The idea is to make sure that employees interact with the content and apply their knowledge. It provides the employees with hands-on experience in a safe and risk-free environment. Scenario-based learning is an ideal fit if you want to impart decision-making skills.

Modern learners prefer an interactive learning session rather than a long monotonous training session. Scenario-based learning will keep the modern workforce engaged, learners apply their knowledge and work their way through a problem, they are expected to solve. Scenario-based learning improves learners’ subject knowledge, problem-solving skills, and critical and logical thinking, all of it in a ‘Close-to-real-world’ learning environment. It offers a learner-centric approach, making the modern workforce feel important, involved, and engaged.


Organizations are increasingly using cutting-edge tools and learning strategies in corporate training. Gamification is one such learning strategy, by using gamification elements organizations have seen a positive impact on learner engagement and better learning outcomes. Gamification uses competitive gamed-based elements or gaming strategies in the training program to enhance learning and make it more engaging and immersive for modern learners.

Gamification helps learners to develop skills like critical thinking, collaboration, logical reasoning, etc. Gamification helps modern learners perform better. Some fun feature that gamification adds to learning includes adding points, badges, ranks, leaderboards, etc. to create an immersive, competitive, and engaging learning environment for modern learners.

Parting Thoughts

With changing trends, learners’ needs are also changing. Modern learners focus on results and want to get involved in the whole learning journey. They follow a modern approach to learning and have bigger goals than the salary at the job. Creating a personalized learning journey using different learning formats for your learners is a great initiative to make them feel an important part of the organization. Involving them in the learning journey will keep them motivated and eager to learn.

As modern problems require modern solutions, similarly, modern learning needs require modern training solutions. Get the most out of your training solutions, choose the right training solution and keep your modern workforce engaged and motivated. Grab our eBook and explore more about current trends to keep your modern learners engaged.

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