5 Situations Where Microlearning Can Help Pharma Sales Reps
This blog describes how micro-learning can help pharma sales reps.

Micro-learning is the preferred choice when it comes to training sales reps in the pharmaceutical sector as it provides positive results and better ROI for sales training. Microlearning modules are the ideal solution for training on-the-go pharma sales reps.
Our pharma sales rep, Jack, encounters many situations in his job where microlearning has helped. Let us look at five of those situations.
Pre-classroom training
Jack had no background in life sciences when he was selected for the pharma sales rep job, in keeping with the general trend of pharmaceutical firms to hire people from various backgrounds such as Arts and Commerce as well as life science graduates. He had to undergo a classroom training session on the pharmacokinetics of a particular drug. He had absolutely no idea about either pharmacokinetics or the drug. What could he do?
→ Download Now: Microlearning — Where Does It Fit in Your Learning Strategy?
Microlearning modules helped him know about the topics and evaluate his content knowledge. The modules prepared him for the classroom session.
Microlearning modules can help salespersons do the preparatory work before attending a classroom session. This will help bring trainees on the same plane of knowledge before the classroom training. It also cuts down on the time spent in the classroom session; considering time is a precious commodity for busy sales reps.
Post-classroom training
Jack had forgotten the details about some drugs, the training session for which he had attended a few months back. But he had to make a presentation on those drugs to a panel of doctors the next day. He accessed the microlearning modules on his tablet and added the details to his presentation and was now sure of how to make a convincing proposal to the doctors. Once again, microlearning had come to his rescue!
After the classroom session, microlearning modules help reinforce what trainees have learnt. The modules will have information on key topics to reinforce the learning. They help keep sales reps connected to the topic for a long term. They can access the modules whenever they need a quick reference or revision.
Introducing a new product
Consider this situation, Jack wanted to introduce a new drug launched recently by the company, to a doctor, but did not know much about it. He has to quickly brush up his knowledge before meeting the doctor in an hour. He quickly scanned the details of the drug on his mobile. Microlearning modules gave him information about the drug. This helped him present the right information
Microlearning modules can provide information about additional features or updates to a product to the sales rep which will help him tell the doctor how the drug is different from and better than competitor’s products. Our client wanted to provide such modules to their sales reps, so iPad-compatible courses were developed using Articulate Storyline.
Answering specific questions from the client
Jack was about to meet a doctor whom he knew would ask specific questions about the composition and dosage, mechanism of action, features and benefits, indications and contraindications, or adverse effects of a particular drug. Microlearning modules on the drug helped him reply to such queries from the doctor. Modules which contain such specific information enable the sales rep to give clear and specific answers to the doctor.

Where Does Microlearning Fit in Your Learning Strategy?
Uncover the Secrets to Crafting High-performing Micro Assets!
- What Microlearning is and What it is NOT?
- Types of Microlearning Assets
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Getting the statistics right before a presentation
Jack had to give a presentation on the latest clinical data about a drug and information on the percentage of its successful usage to a group of doctors in the neighboring city. He could anticipate questions such as, ‘How many doctors have prescribed the drug?’‘ What are the pros and cons of using the drug?’, ‘symptoms if the patient discontinues the drug’, ‘recommended dosage for different age groups’, ‘ How does it help treat the disease’, or reasons to prescribe the product.
Unfortunately, Jack did not find time to review the information. What does he do? He accesses this information in microlearning modules available on his mobile or tablet, on the way to the city.
Microlearning modules aid pharma sales reps to perform their jobs more efficiently. They:
- Provide quick, effective learning of short duration that fits into the schedule of even the busiest salesperson.
- Suit a variety of skill levels, a newbie in sales to a veteran can use these modules; reviewing or skipping them based on what they need to learn.
- Are accessible through various devices that allows sales people access the modules anytime and anywhere as per their convenience. This mobility factor allows learners to be fully engaged in what they learn.
- Are bite-sized that allows for quick and responsive updates to the content. This helps in keeping up with product updates and offer learners latest data. Traditional training does not offer this flexibility.
- Information is provided in an easy- to -digest form and not overwhelming. This enhances learner experience.
Microlearning modules can come to the rescue when a pharma sales rep needs to access crucial information before meeting a physician. They provide nuggets of information when the sales rep needs it the most and act as ideal performance aids. They also act as reinforcement to classroom training sessions. Know more about how microlearning can enhance your sales training, download this free e-book.