Partner with the Best to Convert PPTs To SCORM Compliant E-Learning
Discover the many benefits of partnering with an experienced e-learning vendor to convert your PPTs to an e-learning course.

PowerPoint is the go-to tool for instructors who want to visually explain their presentations or lectures. It provides a formidable support system for instructors or teachers, helping them deliver information with much more clarity and precision. But the role of PPT as a knowledge facilitator plummets the moment you take the instructor out of the equation.
Instead of discarding old PPTs, you should consider converting them into full-fledged e-learning courses. The fact that PPTs contain tried and tested learning material makes it all the more imperative to preserve them. However, performing such a conversion can prove to be difficult. The content present in the PPT might not cover a topic fully as an instructor, who adds a lot of explanation, might. Integrating all the content and creating a course according to instructional design principles is a feat that needs the expertise of many different domains. If you attempt to perform this conversion in-house, you are bound to run into many unforeseen problems.
Partnering with an experienced e-learning vendor to convert mediocre PPTs into effective e-learning courses can be highly beneficial. Let’s see some of the ways in which an e-learning vendor can add value to your PPT conversion process.
Employs the Right Instructional Strategy
Filling the shoes of an instructor can prove to be a difficult task for an e-learning course. That’s why you need to put your old content into new molds using various interactive elements, multimedia, presentation techniques, etc. An e-learning vendor, because of their long experience and expertise, will know exactly which instructional design strategies to use.
A vendor will add great value to the conversion process by making sure the topic is conveyed using the best possible method. On top that, vendors also thoroughly analyze your target audience and only then construct learning strategies that suit your employees the most.
Converts Faster
Keep in mind that an experienced e-learning vendor would have performed PPT conversions many times. This means they know their way around every hurdle that PPT conversions can create. Be it gathering information from various sources, interviewing subject matter experts to fill in knowledge gaps, or recreating media elements, your vendor will know the way around everything. This makes the entire conversion a faster and seamless process. Vendors also have a set review process in place, which gives stakeholders plenty of scope to review work and fix any problems.
Has Technical Expertise
Authoring tools play a significant role in converting your PPTs into an e-learning course. Although such tools don’t require in-depth coding knowledge, a lot of expertise is needed to make the most out of them. Some tools allow for easy multimedia creation, while others come with advanced interactive functionalities. Certain tools such as the iSpring Suite convert your PPTs into an e-learning with just a few clicks.
Each tool in the market comes with its own set of pros and cons. A vendor will know which tool to pick for your organizational needs and your specific content, and also how to utilize its strengths to the fullest.
Complies with the Latest Standards
E-learning vendors ensure your converted courses comply with all latest e-learning standards such as SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004 (all versions), AICC, xAPI (Tin Can), and cmi5. This gives universal compatibility to your e-learning courses, as they can run flawlessly on all available Learning Management Systems. Vendors also ensure they comply with industry-specific compliance guidelines such as HIPPA and OSHA, that might apply to your courses, as they would have worked with various other clients.
Makes Your Course Future Proof
While converting your PPT decks to e-learning courses, you should keep in mind that organizational training is a long term and on-going process. What is relevant today might not be so tomorrow, making the need for training never ending. Partnering with a vendor will ensure that e-courses stand the test of time.
They can regularly update your courses as required and even create new modules. If you want to reach out to a larger audience, then vendors can help you to translate and localize your courses into any language of your choice.
Don’t let your old PPTs lie on the shelves collecting dust. Partner with a leading e-learning vendor and begin the conversion process as soon as possible.