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6 Ways to Maximize Engagement in Your VILT Sessions

6 Ways to Maximize Engagement in Your VILT Sessions

Traditional classroom training is no longer the only option for employee training. Several global organizations have already adopted virtual instructor-led training (VILT) as an ideal way to impart corporate training. And, both employees as well as the instructors – the two key stakeholders involved – benefit from it. Personalized training, better time management, reduced costs, better time management, and flexibility are just a few benefits derived from it.

These benefits are the key reason why organizations are, and should adopt VILT. But there still are some questions and hesitations about it. How to maximize productivity in a virtual classroom? This is one of the most common questions raised and this blog answers it – by discussing the top tips that maximize productivity in virtual classrooms.

6 Ways to Enhance Engagement in Your VILT Sessions

1. Set the Learning Objectives

Setting goals in your virtual classroom should be one of the top priorities to make your Virtual Instructor-Led training more efficient and impactful. What is expected from the learners? what can the learners do from the online training session? Answering these questions at the beginning will establish a code of conduct within your virtual classroom.

Not only is it important to set these goals, but you should also focus on making them clear. Use simple language and try to be as direct as possible. For instance, you can establish rules that the learners can note down their questions and ask them before the session is closed. Or, you may emphasize upon participating in the games or quizzes organized during the session.

Are you a VILT beginner? This ‘must-have’ guide will clear all your doubts.

2. Keep the Training Material More Relevant

It is important that your employees see that the VILT modules were created to help them solve challenges and perform better – otherwise would make them lose their interest! So, if you want your employees to be more productive and involved in the VILT sessions, you will have to see that the training content is relevant to them.

Research your target audiences, their educational backgrounds, their current skills, training needs and expectations, and their ages. Along with the learners’ analysis, assessing the learning environment will also help in gathering information so that the learning experience can be personalized and the content can be made more relevant.

3. Encourage Collaboration

Online learning activities that give room for collaboration and teamwork are not just fun and engaging, they also help with team building. Encouraging your employees to work as a team to achieve a specific eLearning goal will work as an engaging factor that also encourages high participation levels. This will ultimately boost their productivity in the training session.

For this, you could be considering online collaborative activities such as chats, polls, and breakout rooms. Including these activities in VILT encourage learners to work together to achieve shared objectives, stimulates knowledge exchange, and encourages them to coming up with unique solutions for the work challenges.

4. Add Interactivities

The absence of human interaction in a virtual classroom setting can lead to the employees becoming distracted in the virtual classroom. The best way to capture their attention is by introducing interactivity during the sessions. Adding learning interactivities to your VILT sessions will not only encourage their participation but will also boost productivity.

Think about incorporating Q&A sessions where you encourage the learner and the instructor to exchange dialogue or online role-playing games and learning exercises that provide the opportunity for different training sessions.

5. Reward Good Performance

Recognition is one of the best motivators that not only boost morale but also encourage better performance and increased engagement. One of the best ways to use this motivator in online corporate training is by creating some engaging learning activities/exercises that recognize and reward good performance.

By rewarding them, with scores and points, or gifting as a token of appreciation, for instance, for their accomplishments, you can show your employees that you value their professional development and aspirations. At the same time, you will also make them feel valued for contributing to the company’s success. Be it for freshers, or experienced ones, rewards, and recognition both serve as motivators for learner engagement show them they can make a difference throughout their online training, and they will want to prove you correct on a regular basis once they have finished it. This will ultimately boost their productivity.

6. Ensure Mobile Compatibility

Let me state the obvious – If your virtual classroom training is not accessible and user-friendly, then the whole effort goes south! The virtual classroom is meant to be mobile-friendly and user-friendly. Remember that mobile optimization is not just an option! It is now a necessity – thanks to mobile users outnumbering desktop users!

Considering this, it is important that you make mobile compatibility a priority when developing content and features for your virtual classroom training.

Summing Up

Shifting from traditional classroom training to virtual classroom training is a wise decision that helps save costs, while also boosting time efficiency. And for those wondering about maximizing productivity in a virtual classroom setting, this article highlights 6 ways to do so. Make sure that you include them in your virtual classroom training and deliver successful sessions.

Now, if you still have doubts about how to bring the essence of face-to-face classroom training to virtual classrooms, then here is an eBook. The eBook discusses best practices, tips, and tools that help answer questions revolving around virtual classrooms.

Checklist Before Launching Your New VILT Program