Video Mania: Using Videos to Empower Manufacturing Process Training
Manufacturing is the outcome of several processes. The only way to be consistent in your final product is by training your employees on production processes. Empower manufacturing training with video-based learning.

For manufacturing companies, it is highly essential that they maintain the quality of their products. The continuous wellbeing of their employees on the production floor is a top priority. They also need to ensure that their highly expensive machinery stay in prime condition so that product quality never deters. All these factors are highly critical for the success of a manufacturing company as they assure that market expectations are always met.
However, achieving these things is easier said than done as manufacturing is the outcome of several processes. The only way to be consistent in your final product is by training and retraining your employees on the best practices in the production process.
Due to stringent training needs, companies are increasingly turning to digital training programs, and instructional design strategies make online training a breeze. One such method that stands out from the rest is using videos. This audio-visual learning medium has the potential to break the most difficult of topics into easily graspable information nuggets.
It also increases the efficiency of training due to its high visual impact. Let’s see how videos can boost online training of your manufacturing processes:
Communicate Production Processes
This is the most basic aspect of production where video-based learning nuggets can make an impact. Every product goes through a specific process of production; every machine must be operated according to various guidelines and techniques, and products need to meet stringent production standards.
With videos, you can culminate all this data and create a series of short videos, describing each step of the process and every nitty-gritty involved. Employees can view videos relevant to their job role and learn everything there is to know, in a stress-free environment.
Retain Expert Perspectives
As veteran employees near retirement, manufacturing companies can potentially lose untold amounts of institutional knowledge and subject matter expertise. This includes how certain processes work, quick tips for repairs, tolerances of specific machines, and dozens of other little facts only time and experience can teach.
Videos of various types can easily help retain this expertise by recording as many important things as possible. Whenever your company faces an operating issue that no one seems to have an answer for, you can look into your archives for some expert advice. Expert perspectives can also be made part of advanced training courses that can be taken after considerable experience.
Enhance Safety and Compliance
Conveying safety and compliance issues through text-heavy methods can create a lot of uncertainty when employees try to apply them on the work floor. Live videos can boost your safety levels by exactly depicting reality and leaving nothing to imagination. This prepares your learners for what to expect on the production floor, resulting in better safety.
Support Marketing and Sales
Though not directly related to the production process, this is an important part of the company. For your products to be effectively sold in the market, your sales executives should be aware of the exact production process. But, explaining the technicalities with text or images can become a cumbersome task.
Alternatively, you can capture the entire process on film with an attractive voiceover to train sales executives. This gives them a better understanding of your product, resulting in steady sales.
Make Knowledge Future-Proof
No matter what purpose in your manufacturing process you use videos for, at the end you create a robust video library. This audio-visual learning medium can become a welcome addition to your digital learning program. It can fill the blanks left by the general e-learning modules, or even impart a better understanding in some cases. Archiving videos can go beyond imparting training, by helping in troubleshooting practical problems faced by a production unit.
Use as many videos as possible to achieve high efficiency and boost productivity for your manufacturing process. Always remember, that if a picture speaks a thousand words, then a moving picture, with audio, speaks many more.