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6 Compelling Reasons to Use Graphics in eLearning Right Away!

Can you have an eLearning course for corporate training that’s just walls of plain text? I’m sure your instant reply would be ‘No’. But the question is why is it so? Why can’t you skip graphics in eLearning courses? This blog is an attempt to answer this question in detail, based on inputs from the book Graphics for Learning – Proven Guidelines for Planning, Designing, and Evaluating Visuals in Training Materials by Ruth Colvin Clark and Chopeta Lyons. So without any delay, let’s begin!

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Table of Contents

Why You Should Use Graphics in eLearning Courses for Corporate Training?

1. Graphics in eLearning Grab and Sustain Learner Attention

According to Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction, the first instruction is to gain the attention of learners. Using graphics in eLearning course design is a great strategy to grab learners’ attention and help them focus on the training.

Here’s how you can grab and sustain learners’ attention in an eLearning course:

  • Pay attention to the font type, size, and color of the text used while designing and developing eLearning courses.
  • Place text descriptions close to the visual. This may not always be possible in all slides of your eLearning course. In such cases, use rollovers or popups.
  • Use attention-driving graphic elements such as arrows, icons, and animations (wherever relevant).
  • To draw attention, use contrast colors or effects such as spotlighting, zooming in, or outlining.
Instructional Design: How to Create Compelling eLearning?

Instructional Design Strategies to Design Engaging eLearning Courses

Design Learner-Centric eLearning

  • Importance of ID Strategies in eLearning
  • Parameters to Select the Right ID Strategy
  • ID Strategies for Effective Results
  • Case Studies
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2. Graphics Can Activate Prior Knowledge

When it comes to categorizing your learners for eLearning design and development, they will majorly fall under one of these two categories:

1. Experienced employees who have prior knowledge based on their work experience

2. New hires with very little prior knowledge related to the content

For experienced learners, you can include activities that test prior knowledge and for new hires, you have to help them build a knowledge base so that they can understand the various topics covered in the eLearning training program.

To ensure better understanding and help learners build on the pre-existing knowledge, graphics organizers can in handy. They activate prior knowledge by prompting visual learning and facilitating understanding of the topics presented in the eLearning program.

Top 5 Examples of Graphic Organizers for eLearning Courses

3. Graphics Help Minimize Cognitive Overload

When our working memory is overloaded by a lot of information within a short span of time, it results in cognitive overload. Providing a lot of information in the form of text in an eLearning course ends up overwhelming learners. So here’s how you can plan to use graphics in your eLearning content to reduce cognitive overload:

  • Whenever possible, use illustrations and diagrams instead of chunks of text in your while curating eLearning experiences.
  • Represent processes and procedures using visual elements. For example, a simple step diagram or a flowchart to show the steps in a process is effective in eLearning.
  • Follow a consistent graphical style in your eLearning content. For instance, there are times when a still image is better than an animation or an animation is better than a video. This would depend on the purpose and type of content in your eLearning training program.
  • When you use a complex animation in your eLearning material, support it with audio narration.
  • In the case of a complex graphic, present it by revealing layers or building the animation.

4. Graphics in eLearning Can Build Mental Models

It is possible to create mental models through visual thinking. Mental models are memory structures (also known as schemas) that are stored in long-term memory and facilitate thinking.

According to a Harvard Study in 2017, even when we are thinking verbally, visual images that relate to our verbal thoughts are created by our brain.

Here’s how you can use graphics in eLearning courses to build mental models:

  • When you have content on qualitative relationships that cannot be expressed as a number, use an organizational graphic. For example, using an organization chart to give new hires an overview of the hierarchical structure of the organization.
  • When you need to highlight quantitative relationships, use charts and graphs.
  • To instruct learners about the changes over time and space, use a transformational visual. This is generally used to show the steps in a process.

4 Must-Try Transformational Visuals in eLearning Courses

5. Graphics Can Support Transfer of Learning

The success of an eLearning course depends on how well learners have been able to apply the learning to their tasks at the workplace. To apply skills at the workplace, the mental models built in long-term memory need to be brought to the working memory. This process is called ‘retrieval’.

To explain this further, consider a software training program that uses simulations in eLearning. Here learners are able to view the various screens in the software and also practice the steps related to their job function using simulations. This makes it easier for learners to apply the learning in their real work environment. This wouldn’t be possible without a graphical simulation. You can also use scenarios to build relevance to the topic.

6. Graphics in eLearning Can Motivate Learners

There is no doubt that using graphics in eLearning courses makes learning more interesting than relying entirely on text. There is enough research to prove that eLearning graphics can trigger interest in learners and motivate them to learn.

Consider an example where you have to teach learners how to troubleshoot a product. Give them steps to troubleshoot in the form of text or provide a video that shows an expert performing the troubleshooting steps. Learners would naturally be inclined toward the second method of learning because not only is watching the video interesting but also, they are able to relate it to their work context.

How to Use Visual Design and Graphics for eLearning Translation?

Graphics are powerful tools in eLearning, but how do you maintain that impact and efficiency while translating the eLearning courses? Watch this video to learn how you can use visual design and graphics in eLearning translation for maximum effectiveness.

Parting Thoughts!

The next time you think of adding a graphic to your eLearning project, spend some thought in identifying how it’s going to enhance the learning experience. A thumb rule to apply is to use graphics that are relevant to the content and resist the temptation to add eye-catching graphic elements in your eLearning course that serve as mere decorative elements just to make the course appealing. Along with using graphics in eLearning, your choice of instructional design strategy also plays an important role in determining the success of your eLearning courses. So put your best foot forward by having a thorough understanding of different instructional design strategies shared in the eBook below.

Editor’s note: This post was originally published on April 15, 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

Instructional Design Strategies to Design Engaging eLearning Courses