A Quick Round Up About eLearning Rapid Authoring Tools [Infographics]
Access these infographics to get a quick round up of eLearning authoring tools. Check out this series of infographics to know about five major eLearning authoring tools, types of authoring tools, benefits of using them, and a number of tips to use them for faster development of eLearning courses.
![A Quick Round Up About eLearning Rapid Authoring Tools [Infographics] A Quick Round Up About eLearning Rapid Authoring Tools [Infographics]](https://blog.commlabindia.com/hubfs/Imported_Blog_Media/convert-ppt-to-elearning-with-lectora.jpg)
The advent of rapid authoring tools has ushered online training into a new era of eLearning development. They are widely used to speed up the development of eLearning courses. These tools drastically reduce the time taken to develop e-learning courses. You get a number of rapid authoring tools in the market.
Here we present a series of infographics that show – Five major eLearning authoring tools, types of authoring tools, benefits of using them, and a number of tips to use them for faster development of eLearning courses. Access these infographics to get a quick round up of eLearning authoring tools.
5 Authoring Tools to Create Effective E-learning Animations [Infographic]
Creating animations in eLearning is a time consuming exercise. E-learning authoring tools make it easy and speed up the whole process of online courses development. This infographic shows you five major eLearning authoring tools that make your animations creation easy.
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3 Types of Rapid Authoring Tools Every Instructional Designer Must Know – An Infographic
Rapid authoring tools help in creating interactive and instructionally sound eLearning courses. They are classified into three types. This infographic lists those three types and provides details of each.
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6 Surprising Benefits of Rapid Authoring Tools [Infographic]
Most companies adapt authoring tools to develop eLearning courses. But, do you know why these are so popular? When compared to old authoring tools- Flash, Dreamweaver, XML/HTML and JavaScript based tools; rapid authoring tools have more benefits. Check this infographic to know the benefits of using rapid authoring tools for eLearning development.
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6 Tips for using Rapid Authoring Tools – An Infographic
Gone are the days when learners had to wait for months to use online courses. E-learning development times have come down by at least 40% with the rapid eLearning authoring software and tools.
You can easily develop quality online courses with little or no programming skills. This infographic shares with you six important tips that help you make the most of these incredible tools.
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