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24 Anniversary CommLab India

3 Absolute Features that Characterize Rapid eLearning Development [Infographic]

Rapid eLearning development does not just provide immediate benefits in terms of making training available to employees at their convenience. Budgets are reduced, but the need for training usually is not proportionally reduced. Therefore, you need to make the most of the existing resources and yet meet the learning needs of your employees.

Rapid eLearning provides indirect benefits to you by providing new options in terms of chalking out and developing a training and learning strategy in the long run. It can contribute to long-term asset building as far as learning resources are concerned. Check our infographic to know about 3 absolute features that characterize rapid eLearning development.

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3 Absolute Features that Characterize Rapid eLearning Development [Infographic]

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Rapid eLearning Authoring Tools - A Training Manager's Guide