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5 Key Reasons to Invest in a Custom eLearning Development Program

Every organization is unique. Each one has its own set of values, thought processes, and beliefs. These core sentiments drive the way each organization functions and conduct its business with the world. It defines the company’s public image and the perception among its clients, customers, and competition. That’s why the success of any company is often decided by the way it is built from the ground up.

These basic principles of a company should also be reflected in your organizational training. If you choose to go with the standard off-the-shelf courses, then you won’t do justice to the brand that you have created. Such courses are developed with the thought process that one size will fit all. Even though they cover generic subjects like, HR procedures, ERP training, safety procedures, outsourcing procedures, etc. they will miss the many nitty-gritties that exist exclusively in your organization. That’s why you should opt for a custom eLearning course that appropriately reflects the brand value of your organization in your training course. Read the blog to know the key reasons to invest in a custom eLearning development program.

→ Download eBook: eLearning Outsourcing: Best Practices to Make the Smart Choice

Table of Contents:

Why Should You Invest in Custom eLearning Development? 5 Key Reasons

Why Should You Invest in Custom eLearning Development? 5 Key Reasons

Custom eLearning solutions are becoming the hot favorite of L&D managers. No wonder why. Custom eLearning facilitates crafting personalized learning journeys, preferred by modern learners. It leads to better learning and retention subsequently leading to enhanced performance and productivity. This is not all. Here are five key reasons to say yes to custom eLearning development:

1. Syncs with Your Company’s Image

The ‘look’ of each company is defined in a certain way. Logos, font styles, taglines, color schemes, style guides, etc. all contribute to the overall image of your organization. When you opt to create a custom e-course for your organizational training, developers make sure that all of these brand-specific visual components are reflected in the course. When learners see your brand’s logo or color scheme in their study material it immediately creates a positive impression and reinforces your high-end standards.

eLearning Outsourcing: Best Practices to Make the Smart Choice

A Practical Guide to Outsourcing E-Learning Design & Development

Tips and Best Practices for an Effective Outsourcing Journey

  • eLearning Elements That Can be Outsourced
  • Task Before Outsourcing
  • Tips for Selecting the Right eLearning Vendor
  • Ways to Support Your Vendor
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2. Highly Customized Interactivities

The way your organization works is very different from others. Even with universal things like safety, compliance, or software applications, many things are unique to your company. When you create custom eLearning courses you can create interactivities that revolve around the way things happen in your company. From creating relatable scenarios with actual locations and faces to personalized game-based content, to interactive videos, you can customize each aspect of your eLearning course according to your target audience. When prior experience is connected to training content, the objective of the training program becomes clear, and since learners can relate to the scenario, it piques their interest in the learning activity.

Here's an infographic that sheds light on the various levels of interactivity in a custom eLearning course.

eLearning Interactivities and the 4 Levels with Examples!

3. Low Licensing Cost

A big advantage of usingcustom eLearning coursesis that you won’t have to worry much about licensing fees. Since all of your content is created from the ground up, there is no need to pay monthly license fees or royalty costs for any of your assets. Ideally, the only costs involved will be your initial development fees and then, if you have used any third-party tool, periodic maintenance costs. While a standard off-the-shelf course is much cheaper initially as compared to developing a course from scratch, in the long term custom eLearning will pay off.

4. Easy to Update

Since custom eLearning is exclusively developed for your usage, the entire control of the program lies in your hands. If you used a reputed eLearning vendor then they would have designed your custom digital learning infrastructure in a centralized and convenient way. A centralized architecture makes it easy for you to update and maintain your courses from one single location. With a custom eLearning course, you can use a reputed learning management system (LMS) to keep track of courses in multiple languages as well.

5. Meaningful Learning

At the end of the day, all that matters is whether your employees are getting quality training or not. When you use custom eLearning courses, the entire curriculum is designed keeping in mind your organization and target audience. The learning objectives are set according to the objectives of your organization. The amount of images used, the number of videos created, or any other component of your e-course, is developed only after analyzing the needs of your audience. All of these factors automatically add to a better learning experience for your employees.

If you are looking forward to custom eLearning development, you must acquaint yourself with what’s new in the eLearning space.

Watch this video for upcoming trends in custom eLearning solutions for corporate training.

Summing it Up!

The benefits of using custom eLearning courses are manifold. If you are looking to create a digital learning program for the long term that will stand the test of time, then custom courses are the way to go. Finding it difficult to proceed in-house? Well, you can outsource your custom eLearning development to a trusted eLearning vendor. Here’s an eBook that shares tips, tricks, and best practices to choose the right eLearning outsourcing vendor to match your organization’s training needs. Download your copy now!

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on April 03, 2018 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

eLearning Development Outsourcing: A Comprehensive eGuide to Select the Right Vendor