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Role of Personal Protective Equipment Training in Automobile Industry

According to “Key work Health and Safety Statistics Australia”, in 2011-12, 1,28,050 claims were filed for compensation for work related injuries or illness, which equates to 12.2 serious claims per 1000 employees. Many accidents at the workplace can be prevented by using personal protective equipment.

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What is personal protective equipment (PPE)?

PPE refers to the equipment which protects the user from health hazards or safety risks at work. It includes protective coats, helmets, gloves, foot wear, goggles etc.

An employee who is new to the company may not know how to use the machinery and protective equipment. He needs to be told about the precautions to be taken while using machines/instruments in the workplace. It is important to train workers on how to use safety gear effectively.

What is personal protective equipment

Why is PPE training so important in the automobile industry?

OSHA estimates that 90% of injuries at the workplace can be prevented by using protective goggles. Approximately 2 million U.S. workers were exposed to dangerous noise levels at work that put employees at risk (Source: Centre of Disease Control and Prevention).

Why is personal protective equipment training

We know that workers in the automotive industry perform activities pertaining to design, development and manufacturing. All manufacturing organizations use several tools such as welding guns, grinding machines, cutting machines, drilling machines etc. An accident may take place if the worker is not provided with proper training to use instruments/machines safely.

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Personal protective equipment may not be effective if the training is not given to the workforce. The training should help them find out answers to questions such as:

  1. How to wear the protective equipment?
  2. Where to store the protective equipment?
  3. How to maintain the protective equipment?

When is PPE training necessary?

According to Act 1974 health and safety at work, which came into force in the UK on January 1, 1993, personal protective equipment should be provided to all employees who are exposed to safety and health risks at work.

Personal protective equipment training is necessary for the employee who is new to the job. The employee should be trained on how and when to use protective equipment.

In the automobile industry, workers frequently move from one work place to another and perform a variety of tasks. You can train your personnel effectively through eLearning, in a convenient manner, as online courses can be accessed anytime, anywhere.

Hope you find this post informative. Please do share your views.

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in May 2015 and has appeared in Learning Technology category whereas now it is updated in Learning Design category.

Classroom to eLearning Conversion – FAQs and More