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Have You Adopted these eLearning Trends? [SlideShare]

Just like the little black dress, high waist jeans, and plaid shirts that are always in vogue, there are certain eLearning trends that are timeless. These are dictated not by technology or gadgets, but by their efficacy in offering training that:

  • Is aligned with business goals
  • Addresses learner preferences
  • Makes learners active participants in training
  • Helps achieve desired performance
  • Contributes to ROI by affecting the bottom line positively

→ Explore how L&D can become an impact-maker by being aligned with corporate strategy. 

What are the Changes/Preferences Driving these Trends?

The first change is the global pandemic which has made classroom training an impossibility. And organizations are looking to offer uninterrupted training, without losing out on human interaction. This has led to blended learning becoming increasingly popular. This is very crucial as around 37% of employees said they feel less connected to their teammates as compared to before the pandemic, according to the 2021 Workplace Learning Report by LinkedIn Learning.

Blended learning has also made it necessary for intelligent LMSs (learning management systems) that not just act as content repositories but are intuitive, easy to use, personalized, gamified – in short, in sync with learner preferences. Modern LMSs can be integrated with video conferencing platforms to support virtual classrooms, third party payment channels to support eCommerce, and more.

The second important shift is L&D trying to earn a seat at the decision-making table. With L&D striving to demonstrate value, it is turning to ‘rapid eLearning’ to roll out highly effective, immersive eLearning courses with speed and quality – without compromising on creativity – at the speed of need.

Organizations are also looking to measure training ROI to measure the impact of learning and according to the same LinkedIn Learning report, 27% of L&D professionals said they are using surveys to measure the impact of learning.

Evergreen eLearning Trends

No matter which stage of eLearning implementation you are in, these preferences will dictate the trends you should be following – making them the evergreen eLearning trends. These include:

  • The merging of classroom training & eLearning
  • Minimalistic instructional design
  • Aligning training needs to business goals
  • Teaching LMS
  • Learning analytics

Explore each of them in this SlideShare.

Let these classic eLearning trends guide you and you won’t go wrong! Want to know more? Check the trends that top-performing organizations are adopting this year!

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