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Top 3 Reasons to Leverage eLearning for Employee Onboarding Training

Employee onboarding is like a first dance, it can be a bit awkward and uncertain at first, but with the right steps and guidance, it can become a graceful and beautiful partnership. It’s an important process that helps new hires feel welcomed, informed, and sets them up for success. From orientation to training, and from paperwork to team-building, the onboarding process is a chance for the company to make a great first impression and for the employees to get a sense of the company culture and values. With thoughtful planning and execution, employee onboarding can be a smooth and enjoyable experience for both the employee and the company. It’s the foundation that sets the tone for a long-lasting and productive relationship.

So it’s important to ensure that you put your best foot forward. And what better way than leveraging eLearning in employee onboarding process. Wondering why? Here are the top 3 reasons to answer the question.

Top 3 Reasons to Leverage eLearning for Employee Onboarding Training

Increases the Productivity of New Hires

eLearning plays an important role in increasing the productivity of new hires during and after the employee onboarding training. eLearning courses are designed in a learner-centric and interactive manner. Therefore, it allows new employees to quickly acquire the knowledge and skills they need to perform their job responsibilities. Employees can learn at their own speed, which helps to reduce stress and anxiety, and can make the onboarding process more enjoyable. Additionally, eLearning allows employees to access training materials and resources at any time, making it easy for them to review and reinforce their learning.

This helps employees retain the information they’ve learned and apply it in the workplace. Furthermore, you can design immersive, engaging eLearning courses by including various interactivities, activities, infographics, videos, animations, etc. These elements break the text monotony in the learning experience and provide learners with an opportunity for active learning which is more effective than passive learning. With eLearning, new hires will be well-prepared to hit the ground running, which leads to increased productivity, less time spent on training, and a more efficient onboarding process.

Interesting! Isn’t it?

Explore the responsive aspect of eLearning design and incorporate it into your training plan now!

Enhances Information Retention Rate among the Employees

Enhanced employee retention is another added of leveraging eLearning in employee onboarding. eLearning helps to keep employees engaged and motivated throughout the onboarding process as it facilitates an interactive and immersive learning experience. The self-paced nature of eLearning augments better retention and recall among the employees as they acquire the information at their own speed and in their own style. This aspect thereby helps to reduce frustration and burnout and boosts information retention rate.

Even better, eLearning provides an opportunity for active learning which is more effective than passive learning. It can include different types of interactivities, assessments, quizzes, simulations, etc., that help employees to apply what they have learned.

With improved retention rate, new hires will be more confident and better prepared to perform their job responsibilities. This in turn will lead to increased job satisfaction and a more positive perception of the company. You can even use eLearning to provide new hires with ongoing training and support, which can help to keep them engaged and motivated throughout their tenure with the company. This can lead to increased employee retention and a more productive workforce.

Improves Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is crucial in determining the effectiveness and interest of corporate training. If your employees are not interacting or engaging with the training material, you won’t be able to yield the maximum training ROI. But don’t worry! eLearning is an effective way to increase employee engagement during the onboarding process.

It facilitates an interactive, self-paced, and engaging learning experience for the new employees, thereby ensuring improved participation and motivation throughout the onboarding process. The interactive element of eLearning helps to make the learning experience more enjoyable and effective. With that said, it also allows the new employees to actively apply what they have learned and not just passively receive information. For this, you can make use of different instructional design strategies like microlearning, scenario-based learning, simulation, and more.

This helps to improve employee motivation and engagement. With that said, eLearning also fosters employee engagement as it encompasses various interactive elements such as videos, animations, interactive PDFs, infographics, audio, and gamified elements. These elements make the learning experience more immersive and engaging. So incorporate eLearning to make sure your new employees are more engaged, motivated, and invested in the onboarding process and in the company.

To Sum It Up!

eLearning is a powerful tool that can help companies to ensure an effective and efficient employee onboarding process. By leveraging eLearning, you can provide new employees with a convenient, consistent, and engaging learning experience that can help to increase productivity, retention, and engagement. The easy updating and scalability of eLearning materials ensure that employees always have access to the most current information, and it can be done at a lower cost than traditional in-person training.

By embracing eLearning, companies can create a smooth and enjoyable onboarding experience for employees. With that said, designing and developing effective eLearning courses has its own challenges. So to make sure you’re on top of your game, go through our webinar recording and know about effective, innovative instructional design strategies that augment long-lasting learning.

Instructional Design Strategies to Design Engaging eLearning Courses