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How Does eLearning Ease the Training Needs of Global Organizations?

ELearning has come a long way since its initial introduction a couple of decades ago. Although the initiative began for academics, 90% of businesses now offer eLearning opportunities to their employees. The popularity has also led to new eLearning trends, especially in the wake of COVID-19 pushing everything online.

Because of the changes brought on by the pandemic, the eLearning industry has grown significantly and is estimated to be worth $243 billion by the end of 2022. However, its sudden popularity and the corporate shift have also raised several questions. Several experts wonder how well this latest method accomplishes corporate training goals.

This blog post will explore eLearning’s impact on corporate training and determine whether the shift has been beneficial. It will also address some limitations of eLearning and discuss current trends that will further optimize the process.

eLearning and Organizational Training Needs

Firstly, let’s assess how well eLearning adapts to a global organization’s training needs. The best way to do that would be to explore how it impacts the training process and determine whether the effects are positive or negative.

Below are some of the top ways in which eLearning changes corporate training programs:

1. Efficiently Deployable Training Programs

The core idea behind eLearning is to digitize the learning process. Therefore, learning and development content is made into digital training modules. These modules leverage diverse media formats to increase learning effectiveness and do not need the physical presence of a trainer to proceed.

The digitized version is standardized and can run on laptops, PCs, mobile devices, and tablets. Hence, eLearning makes corporate training more accessible for employees. In contrast, traditional learning is both costly and inconvenient.

Traditional training usually requires trainers to prepare course material and deliver it in person. While this method is doable for small organizations with a single office, the same isn’t true for multistate or multinational corporations.

2. Data Analytics to Assess Training Effectiveness

eLearning platforms are advanced, and the algorithms allow them to store learning data for each user. This data is highly convenient for learning analytics and obtaining information about learning behaviors, ease of learning, and retention for different media formats.

Corporate training needs are diverse, but training effectiveness is a top priority. These analytics will allow you to gauge which parts of the training were more effective and adjust the remaining parts to increase their effectiveness.

→ Are you eager to know about the recent trends in eLearning? See what’s trending.

3. Training Customization

The data gathered during training sessions have one more application. The L&D platform can provide learning data for each user, allowing them to evaluate their learning patterns. This information will help you understand each employee’s unique training needs and customize the modules to increase success.

The process requires extra effort for the person designing the training, but these changes can significantly improve employee performance and productivity.

4. Simplified eLearning Translations for Globally Dispersed Workforce

Let’s admit it. We learn better when the content is delivered in our native language. Thus, it is important for organizations to offer courses in the native language of the learners to ensure rich learning experience.

Translating courses to cater your globally dispersed workforce can be challenging. There are chances that the actual content might get lost while translating the courses. The risk of cultural misappropriation is another risk factor. Design formatting is also a major challenge associated with eLearning translations, wherein the translated words might be longer.

To ensure effective eLearning translation, you should take care of the following aspects:

  • Engage native speakers and translators in the translation process
  • Use appropriate idioms, phrases, icons, and images that’s apt for your target learners
  • Ensure incorporating enough white space to accommodate translative changes

5. Increased Learning Effectiveness

eLearning ensures immersive learning experience and boosts employee performance and productivity. Unlike conventional classroom training, eLearning offers the flexibility of self-paced learning to your learners. If you design eLearning courses that are multi-device compatible, you offer your learners the flexibility to anytime, anywhere learning that motivates them to take up new courses.

eLearning is based on the principles of instructional design and adult learning that makes courses interactive. When you incorporate new-age learning strategies like scenario-based learning, gamification and video-based learning, you ensure your learners are active participants throughout the training. Enhanced learner engagement maximizes learning and boosts employee performance.

Benefits of Using eLearning for Training

The above section has already covered some of the benefits of eLearning in corporate settings, but the list is more extensive.

1. Cost-Effectiveness

Firstly, eLearning is one of the most cost-effective training methods available. Mostly because you don’t need to buy dedicated devices nor rent special training rooms for it to work, employees can use their workstations or other electronic devices to complete it.

Your primary expense will be hiring someone to design and customize the training modules according to the latest eLearning trends or data analysis results. Most eLearning modules leverage microlearning to increase effectiveness, so you will not need to worry about losing productive time.

2. Higher Productivity

eLearning is effective, convenient, and often enjoyable. Employees are less resistant to modules with better visual effects and well-paced training content, allowing them to absorb the information. The enhanced attention and knowledge retention is a positive result and significantly improves employee performance.

Hence, using eLearning leads to higher productivity and boosts employee satisfaction.

3. Adjustable Timeframes to Incorporate Time Zone Differences

One of the best benefits of eLearning-based corporate training is the adjustable time frames. Someone working in the US doesn’t have the same working hours as an employee in the Middle East.

Digitized learning allows them to access the training session during their respective work hours without changing the content or delivery. Everything is standardized, so both get the same quality.

4. Consistent Training Content and Quality

Removing the traditional trainer from the picture improves content consistency significantly. The last thing you want is for your teams in different states to walk away with a further understanding of the topic because they learned from other trainers.

eLearning module content remains the same for all employees, so everyone has the same understanding of processes, expectations, etc.

Limitations of eLearning

There is no denying the benefits of eLearning, but the process is not without limitations. Following are the aspects we still need to improve to boost this method’s effectiveness.

1. Poor Internet Reception

eLearning is always online, no matter who is taking it and where. Unfortunately, not everyone has the same resources, especially when it comes to the internet. Although most regions in the US rarely need to worry about internet connection, this privilege doesn’t always apply to employees in developing countries.

Poor internet reception can negatively impact training effectiveness.

2. Less One-on-One Interactions

This method rarely includes interaction with others, with most of the learning being online. The lack of interaction can burden people who thrive in social settings and prefer in-person interactions.

3. Uncooperative Subject Matter Experts

Customization and content adjustment is at the heart of eLearning effectiveness. The ability to analyze data and change training modules accordingly makes this method effective.

SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) are very busy. Their job is not to train people. They experts who provide solutions for the issues of the clients. They have tight schedule. With the limited time that they spend in the hotel rooms or in the airport lounges, they use it for solving our issues. Reviewing eLearning courses and giving feedback for them is an added burden for the SMEs. With the time constraints that they have, it sometimes gets difficult in reviewing the courses which leads to delay in signoffs.

Final Thoughts

To conclude, eLearning does ease the training needs of the global organization through its adaptive, cost-effective, and convenient framework. Leveraging it will boost productivity, reduce training costs, and enhance consistent training effectiveness for employees in different regions.

We hope you found this blog post informative and invite you to download this handy eBook to explore the different hacks that can be used to successfully implement eLearning in your organization.

The State of Learning: 2023 and Beyond