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Tips From In-house Experts For Better E-learning Design – Part 2

In my earlier blog, we have seen 4 awesome tips from our in-house e-learning experts that help create a good e-learning design. Several other aspects also have a fair share in making your e-learning design better. They help reduce distractions and develop learner-friendly e-learning courses.

In this post, let us look at 6 tips shared by our in-house experts.

1. Create an Appropriate Visual Design

Use a cool visual design that relates to the content being presented. In the GUI, use images or icons related to the course. Also, remove any unnecessary elements from the visual design.

Create an Appropriate Visual Design

2. Use Simple Navigation

Course navigation should be simple; the objective is to provide learning, not to confuse the learner with complex navigation. If the learner can’t navigate easily, there is a risk of him getting vexed, as a result of which, we can lose the learner.

3. Maintain Consistency in Themes, Shapes, Colors, and Fonts

Using different fonts, shapes, colors, and themes in a single course can distract the learner, which is against our objective. Select these elements (Example: color palate, font family, etc.) properly and reuse them in your e-learning.

4. Use Contrasting Colors

Using contrasting colors (Example: Black text on a White background or White text on a Black background) makes the text and other visual elements visible. Otherwise, the learner will have to focus on figuring out the text on the screen, rather than understanding it.

Use Contrasting Colors

5. Chunk Content

Heavy onscreen text overwhelms the learner and increases cognitive load. Chunking helps reduce cognitive load and enables the learner grasp knowledge easily.

Chunk Content

6. Highlight Important Items

There might be instances where you have a very important point onscreen and need to emphasize it. Make it stand out from other pieces of information using formatting styles, different colors, different font size, etc.

In a nutshell, appropriate visual design, consistency in fonts and colors, and content chunking play a prominent role in making the e-learning design appealing and effective.

I hope the tips shared in my posts help you enhance your e-learning course design. If you have other tips and ideas, do share with us.

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