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Top Techniques to Make Your Computer Based Training Successful

Computer-Based Training or CBT, is in simple terms the use of computers to impart training. The ubiquity of computers and the need to train employees in quick time has led to the increased adoption of CBT in organizations world-wide.

E-learning is a specific type of CBT that is used for teaching or training employees. E-learning uses network technology to deliver CBT to employees spread across diverse locations.

Computer based training can be successful than traditional forms of learning because it offers more variety of instructional methods such as text, videos, audio and graphics, which can be tailored according to the needs of the learner. For CBT to be effective, the design of the training is important. If learners need to achieve maximum learning and retention, the training has to give opportunities for learners to practice and provide the right conditions for practice.

This can be done by using certain techniques that can make computer-based training not only interesting, but also effective. This blog will discuss some techniques that can be used in CBT, to create better impact on learners.


This is a common technique used in CBT to help introduce the learner to new concepts and information in a sequential form.

For teaching concepts or providing information, tutorials work best. In a tutorial, the information is presented in a logical manner and new ideas and concepts are introduced chronologically. Learners can, for instance, learn how to assemble parts of a machine through a tutorial.

Tutorials can be used to teach rules or the procedure. This can be useful for compliance or safety training.

Practice Exercises

CBT can be effective if practice exercises are included in the training. Learners will remember only 20% of what they learn, but the theoretical learning imparted through CBT will be better retained if the training is accompanied with practical exercises at the end of the lesson. This will help them apply the concepts they have learned. Such practice exercises will also help them in applying the new skills that are taught as part of the training.


 Games, as we know, enhance the learning experience. Games can turn the training into an engaging experience and improve learning.

When learners play these games, not only do their interest levels peak, but they are also encouraged to practice and discover patterns and relationships in the training material.


Simulations are useful when learners have to practice a newly acquired skill. Simulations can be used to practice skills that can be dangerous or costly when practiced in real life. Through simulations, learners can test & develop their skills and experiment with techniques through trial and error. The interactive environment allows learners to master their skills.

Simulations are effective for software training and for soft skills training.

Problem-Solving Exercises

These exercises, when included in CBT, help to develop critical thinking skills. While developing their problem solving skills, learners practice and develop their skills of following instructions and solving issues in a logical manner.

When these techniques are used in computer-based training, it can be effective to achieve the learning targets in a better way.

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