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Summative and Formative Assessments in E-Learning – An infographic

In eLearning courses, two types of assessments are used – formative and summative. Formative assessments are conducted after completing each topic. On the other hand, a summative assessment is conducted at the end of the course. In formative assessments, feedback is given after each question is answered. The goal of a formative assessment is to reinforce the learning. Whereas, the goal of summative assessments is to evaluate the learner. A summative assessment is similar to a final exam where feedback is not provided and results are shown at the end of the course. This info-graphic shares some information about formative and summative assessments, used in eLearning courses.

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Summative and Formative Assessments in E-Learning – An infographic

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Summing up!

By following the above discussed tips, you can effectively utilize both summative and formative assessments to enhance your e-learning courses. These tools are crucial for measuring progress and refining your content, so make the most of them to boost your learners’ success.

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