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How to Train Your Employees on New ERP Software

How to Train Your Employees on New ERP Software

While introducing a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software, many organizations choose the new ERP software, customize it according to their requirements, and upgrade their computers for the use of the new software. But is the task done? No! We know that without training employees properly, the new software will be of no great use to the organization. Isn’t it? According to research, one of the challenges related to the successful implementation of ERP projects is lack of training.

But how can you train your people on the new ERP software? What does it take to ensure that they make the best use of the software? Well, you need to come up with a robust training method. You many have different methods to convey the ERP training to your employees, but you need to know which method is more effective for such trainings and provides the best advantages to your company. Whichever method you use to deliver this training, you need to consider its advantages and disadvantages carefully so that you do not regret later.

Here is a list of the different methods you can use to train your employees on ERP software.

Instructor-led (ILT) Training Method

This method has been used since ages to teach different subjects. It has been very effective as it helps employees get out of their daily work for a change and concentrate on enhancing their skills. Learners feel more comfortable asking questions and learn from their fellow learners making it a collaborative learning experience. But, such a training method may not be realistic for an organization with widely spread diverse employees who can hardly assemble under the same roof at the same time to get trained. In such cases, ILT becomes expensive. Research suggest that 60% of ERP projects fail and one of the many reasons for the failure is training costs.

Self-learning Method

In this method, employees navigate by themselves through the new ERP software and explore it using manuals provided by the software vendor. Such a training method can be time saving and cost effective if the material provided by the vendor explains the software in-depth. But the challenges involved in it can make the learning experience ineffective when the learners have very little experience in using the ERP software and cannot follow the manual effectively. Measuring how well an employee actually works on the software becomes a challenging task for the employer.

Job-Based Training Method

In this training method, the staff is divided into various groups based on their job roles. Each group is delivered “different” training, depending on the tasks they perform. For example, the end users of the ERP software are grouped based on their departments such as Finance, HR, Marketing and Sales. Each of these groups is trained only on the concepts and modules relevant to their work. This method could facilitate the delivery of training in a quick and effective manner, but it may be difficult and expensive to gather people working at different locations at one place.

Software Simulations

For facilitating effective and engaging training on software applications, simulations can be used very effectively. We can create simulations that mimic real-life situations showing the step-by-step process of using the software and also allow the learners to try it in a virtual environment. The learners are taken through the entire process and then are allowed to try it without the risk of failing. Here again, learners’ inexperience in using the ERP software can lead to an inefficient learning experience.

Wondering which training method can be more effective for your organization? The answer could be “Blended Training”.This training method offers a combination of e-learning and instructor-led training. While an ILT limits the number of participants, e-learning has its drawbacks such as the lack of a physical instructor to clarify doubts immediately. The blended training method extends the reach of the audience providing a very effective and efficient learning experience. It benefits both the learner and the company making it smoother for both in the transition from ILT to e-learning.

What approach do you think would suit your organization the best to impart training on ERP software? Please share your thoughts through your comments.

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