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Health and Safety Compliance in Corporate Training: Why It Really Matters

Employees are more valuable than any other assets of an organization. Employee loss is irreplaceable. So, their safety and wellbeing takes priority. Now, workplace health and safety regulations have become more stringent and the penalties are whopping. They ensure employers make their workplaces safer and free from hazards. Training employees, from the top management to the new hires on safety policies plays a crucial role in maximizing health and workplace safety.

According to UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) statistics, between 2014-15 and 2016-17, an average of 614,000 workers were injured in workplace accidents and a further 521,000 workers suffered a new case of ill health believed to be caused or made worse by their work.

So, here are compelling reasons for you to include health and safety compliance in your corporate training strategy.

1. Injuries & Ill Health Hamper Productivity

Workers’ injuries, ill health, and diseases often result in absenteeism, which has a negative impact on productivity. They escalate indirect costs and damage the morale of employees.

Small and medium-size companies often think training on health and safety is a costly affair as it disrupts operations and business activities. Some feel it’s just expense without or little benefit. But, a lot of un-assessed situations can be avoided with basic health and safety training. Showing genuine interest and concern for employees’ safety will have a ripple effect and enjoin employees to be more loyal to your organization and reflect the same with prospects and customers.

2. Builds Positive Brand Image

Now, workers want to know the company’s stand on employees’ safety and wellbeing beside pay benefits. Complying with OSHA and HSE standards builds your firm’s credibility in the labor market. This paves way for recruiting the best, competent workers in your industry. Health and Safety compliance enhances your business’ brand image and value in the competitive market. Safety training reduces the company’s vulnerability to penalties and legal litigations.

3. Mitigates the Risk Element

Many people assume their sector or work is risk-free, unlike construction, agriculture, manufacturing with heavy equipment, or the transportation sector; but that’s not true. The element of risk is everywhere. So, it’s best to extend health and safety training for employees, irrespective of the sector. For example, fire accidents can happen due to a short circuit or human error, even in IT companies. So, you can’t leave safety training as an option; it has to be a ‘must-do’.

4. Ensures Compliance with Laws & Policies

The Health and Safety at Work Act in the UK, the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act in the US, and similar laws in other nations insist employers provide information, instruction, training, supervision, and other infrastructure facilities for employees on health and safety policies.

These laws make safety training mandatory.

5. Avoids Potential Law Suits & Hefty Penalties

Though the chances for accidents and conditions for ill health are very less, one unforeseen incident can bring a whopping penalty. So, it’s safer to invest in safety training than paying huge compensations and facing lawsuits, thereby causing unwanted anxiety, and other liabilities. Compensation claims are deadly and often the recurring subject of legal consultation. That’s why you have to tie the loose ends in your business, in terms of the health and safety of your employees.

 Hope the elaborated reasons are sufficient to induce you to include health and safety of your employees in your overall corporate training strategy. After all, happy, healthy, loyal employees will stay true to you!!!

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