Don’t Deprive Your Remote Vendors of Continuous ERP End-user Training
Here are 4 ways you can ensure your remote vendors are continuously trained on the ERP system.

Given the complexity of an ERP system and the various functions it facilitates, access to the ERP is not limited to just employees working within an organization’s premises. It is also used by remote vendors such as distributors, suppliers, and manufacturers. It is not feasible to gather them all in a single brick-and-mortar location to train on the ERP. Similarly, training them whenever you update the system is a task of gigantic proportions. So, how can you ensure your remote vendors are not deprived of continuous ERP end-user training?
Here are 4 ways you can ensure your remote vendors are continuously trained on the ERP system.
1. Setup a Help Desk for Support
You must setup a help desk that remote vendors can contact in case they need any information about the new ERP system. Ensure this help desk provides vendors e-mail, chat, and call facilities. This makes it easy for them to choose a convenient communication method While e-mail support ensures they are free to shoot their queries whenever they want, chat and call facilities ensure quick answers during working hours.
2. Conduct Live Webinars
With updating technology and changes in processes, you may update your ERP system periodically. Every time you update the system, you train your internal end-users on it, but training your remote vendors is equally important. Since it is not convenient for all of them to gather under one roof for the training each time, you can conduct live webinars using WebEx or GoToMeeting, online meeting software. These webinars ensure remote vendors acquire the required knowledge from their convenient places.
3. Deliver Online Self-learning Courses
Delivering online self-learning courses is another wonderful option to train your remote vendors. As it is easy to update these courses, it helps the organization train vendors whenever the system is updated. Also, the vendors operate in different time zones, so e-learning helps them access these training modules at their convenient time, place, and pace. They can also refer the courses whenever they need. Apart from these benefits, organizations can also track the successful completion of these courses by each vendor.
4. Provide a Collaborative Learning Environment
A collaborative learning environment ensures the participation and interaction of all end-users and vendors located around the world. You can create discussion forums on the LMS where vendors can post their questions and other end-users or experts can answer. Such a learning environment encourages knowledge sharing and ensures quick clarification of queries. Not all are active learners; some may be uncomfortable asking questions in the classroom. Online discussion forums ensure such passive learners also feel comfortable posting their queries. Also, end-users can learn from each other’s doubts.
These are 4 ways that ensure your remote vendors receive continuous training on the ERP system. All these methods are delivered online; so vendors can access them at their place and eliminate travel costs and inconvenience. Also, since they have four options to choose from, the training imparted doesn’t seem imposed.
Do you have other methods to share? We would like to hear.