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A Check-List To Keep Handy When Translating and Localizing E-learning Courses

A Check-List To Keep Handy When Translating and Localizing E-learning Courses

O rganizations have been finding new shores to expand their footprint in overseas markets. They need to hire local workers for these branches. These employees speak different languages and have different cultures. This has resulted in the need for the organizations to deliver training programs in the native languages of these employees.

E-learning helps organizations deliver training to their international employees by translating and localizing their learning content effectively. But there are a few best practices while you consider translations.

Access the free presentation to know the best practices in translation and localization of e-learning courses. In this presentation, you can find answers to the questions listed below:

  • How to render the content of an eLearning course into other languages, effectively?
  • How to make your eLearning course culture-neutral?
  • How to translate culture-neutral eLearning courses into the desired language, quickly, in an efficient and cost-effective manner?
  • How can you use visuals to create culture-neutral courses?

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