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How Lectora Inspire Can Overcome Your Training Challenges

Each organization has its own unique training challenges. Some are saddled with an outdated LMS while others have to come up with highly customized courses that may not fit in standardized templates offered by some authoring tools.  Yet others might need to incorporate course inputs from multiple stakeholders across diverse teams. Lectora Inspire is an ideal authoring tool for overcoming such challenges.  In this blog, I explore some of them.

Easy reviews by SMEs involved in e-learning course creation:

One of the top features of Lectora Inspire that users talk highly of is ReviewLink™. The feature enables all stakeholders, project managers, SMEs, and instructional designers to review the course and provide feedback directly on any page of the course. When you have teams across multiple time zones, the ReviewLink tool solves your problem of delays happening due to long reviews and iterations. Tracking actions on feedback is also easy.  Not just that, the new ReviewLink™ even supports courses built using Captivate® and Storyline® along with Lectora®.

Provides options to convert text-heavy content into engaging interactions:

When you need to convert classroom content into e-learning, for example regulatory compliance courses, Lectora Inspire makes it easy to handle high volumes of text. Lectora Inspire has built-in components that allow developers to convert text-heavy training content into engaging online courses. If you  have been using face-to-face sessions for compliance training and now want to make use of those resources to create online courses, Lectora Inspire can be your go-to tool.  Developers love it because it helps them convert dry and boring content into fun interactions.  Users report an increase in learner satisfaction too.

Create highly interactive and complex interactions

When you want to create courses with low shelf life, you can pretty much use any tool that easily converts PPTs into e-learning.  However, if you are creating courses that are likely to be re-used for a longer period and by more people, then you would want to put more effort into their creation. Developers are limited only by their imagination; make best use of the interactive components and variables in the tool. Embedding interactive 3D elements, audio and video files, and customized variables are all possible in your online courses.  Its variable manager allows setting up conditional actions and tracking variables easily. What is more, you can preview the entire course to see how it looks before  publishing, so you can make required changes on the go.

Customize assessments and certificates:

To review learners accurately, assessments need to be aligned to learning objectives.  If your content is niche and specific in terms of how assessments have to be structured, Lectora is the only tool that makes it happen for you. One of our clients had a unique requirement which we could fulfill through Lectora. Read more about how we created formative assessments in an e-learning course by customizing the features in Lectora. The same is true for customized certificates. You can align the certificates to HR’s standard format as well as your company’s branding recommendations.

Integrate well and perhaps complement existing Learning Management Systems:

Lectora makes it easy to publish files into SCORM and AICC learning standards or HTML5 output without needingprogramming knowledge. I have read in  reviews that users prefer Lectora Inspire because it works well with their outdated LMSs. Some actually use Lectora to capture data that is not possible through their LMS.  They use JavaScript along with Lectora and capture user activity, collect responses to a survey, and so on. Its debugging feature makes it easy for even beginners to create content that is compliant with SCORM. It is fairly compatible with most LMSs and doesn’t pose great problems with non-technical users.

Organizations with more specific training requirements, those which require specific  customizations prefer Lectora Inspire. On the one hand, it is a delight to developers for the flexibility it provides them, and on the other hand, it impresses learners with its highly engaging and interactive content.  If your training challenges are anything similar to those shared above, Lectora will be a good option to consider.

Rapid eLearning Authoring Tools - A Training Manager's Guide