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4 Tips for Effective Training Needs Analysis – An Infographic

As a training manager, you want your employee training and development initiatives to be a success. But, to get a favorable response for your training program, you need to identify the training needs and a right training program that builds the skills/competencies of your employees. But, what is the crux of a perfect training program? How can you bridge the gap between the expected performance and current performance of your employees?

These gaps can be bridged by a thorough training needs analysis. But why is it important? Well, it is the first step in the development of a training plan. Training needs analysis helps in identifying the key areas that require training and also empowers employees to acquire new skills at a faster pace. But, the question is – how to conduct training needs analysis? Well, here is an info-graphic which shares some tips to conduct a training need analysis.

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4 Tips for Effective Training Needs Analysis - An Infographic

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