Online Training Trends that are Making it Big in 2017
This blog gives readers an insight into the online training trends that are popular in 2017.

Gone are the days when online training meant endless clicks on a PowerPoint Presentation or simply watching a lecture video. There is no one-size-fits-all strategy that works for online training. There are numerous online training trends that have evolved over the years and changed the way we design e-learning courses. While some of these trends have proven themselves time and again, there are a few other trends that are currently under the spotlight. Here’s the inside scoop on the online training trends that are making it big this year.
Mobile Learning
There has been a slow but steady increase in M-learning, and 2017 will see this trend continue, but at a quicker pace, with more organizations opting to go for this – across industries and verticals, to meet a variety of training requirements. There is an increasing demand for bite-sized modules that can be consumed in 5 minutes or less. 2017 will also see a marked increase in the usage of authoring tools that offer responsive course design.
Many organizations are also looking at mobile apps to provide on-demand online training to their diverse workforce.
According to a study by Microsoft Corp., technology has made our attention span shorter than that of a goldfish. The results of the study conducted in Canada revealed that the average attention span of the volunteers was 8 seconds, 1 second less than the average goldfish.
Microlearning is the perfect solution to deal with short attention span as it delivers content in short bursts. This facilitates quicker knowledge transfer and improves learner retention. Apart from content chunking, microlearning also involves a sound instructional strategy that decides the best way to impart training as quickly as possible.
This trend will endure and is considered the future of workplace training.
Video-based Learning
Video-based learning will continue to evolve as a popular trend in online training. According to a report by Cisco, by 2019, 80% of the world’s Internet traffic will be video content. While video-based training is not a new phenomenon, it continues to remain in trend in 2017 because it appeals to both visual and auditory learners simultaneously. The correlation between the increasing usage of smartphones and the popularity of video-based training cannot be denied.
Games offer a welcome break from a hectic day. Gamification brings the much needed fun and relaxation to any type of online training. So if your online training is gamified, it would certainly improve training participation and knowledge retention. Badges, points or leaderboards used in games motivate learners to do their best. In 2017, more organizations are expected to invest in creating gamified learning content to enhance productivity at the workplace.
Collaborative Learning
Collaborative learning is a powerful tool for workplace training. An increasing number of organizations are using social media platforms to share training initiatives.
Social media can be used as a tool for brainstorming. Presentations and assignments can be posted online for peers to evaluate and best practices can be shared. For example, Facebook has the option of closed groups where trainers can post information that’s relevant to a particular group. Instructors can post learning-lists on Twitter and re-tweet information that learners must know.
Most of the tools required to incorporate the online training trends mentioned above are affordable and accessible. It is an exciting time to be involved in online training as most of these trends are becoming common practice in 2017 and expected to see an increasing demand as the year goes by.
If you have spotted an upcoming online training trend, let us know through the Comments section, and we’ll add it to our watch list.