4 Dynamic Strategies for Effective Millennial Onboarding [Infographic]
Do not devote enough time to Onboarding.! Learn Millennial onboarding strategies to turn newcomers into valuable assets in our blog o your organization.
![4 Dynamic Strategies for Effective Millennial Onboarding [Infographic] 4 Dynamic Strategies for Effective Millennial Onboarding [Infographic]](https://blog.commlabindia.com/hubfs/Imported_Blog_Media/millennial-onboarding-strategies-enhance-effectiveness-2.png)
Onboarding is the process of acquainting new employees with the organization’s vision and mission, values and culture, departments and processes. Essentially, the goal of onboarding is to ensure that new employees blend into the landscape of the organization in a smooth, effective and informed way. The right onboarding experience can have a positive impact on the new employee, paving the way for a long and fruitful relationship with the company.
Top 4 Strategies for Millennial Onboarding
Adopt the following best strategies in your organization to alleviate the anxiety that most new hires experience and to make the onboarding process smooth, effective and exciting for newcomers.
1. Communicate with New Hires
The first step in developing an effective millennial onboarding program is to connect with them and communicate with them to make them feel at ease. Onboarding can be used to communicate with millennial new hires and build excitement for the new job. Millennials prefer to know exactly what is expected from them on their first day of work. They would also appreciate brief information on the organization’s rules and policies. Bite-sized learning is always preferred over reading lengthy text. So, as part of the millennial onboarding process, you can try microlearning tools like videos, infographics or game-based interactive courses to provide an overview of the organization.
2. Make use of Modern Technology and Interaction
When it comes to learning, millennials prefer to have control over their learning, and it makes sense to provide them with that opportunity through an online millennial onboarding process. A welcome message from the CEO and team members in the form of a short video can promote a sense of belonging in millennials and promotes interaction.
When it comes to onboarding, information on compliance, safety, business culture, values, and so on should be drilled down to new hires via an online training program rather than classroom training. Gamification and its elements like leaderboards, achievements and badges provide a fun and engaging millennial onboarding.
Furthermore, Millennials would undoubtedly welcome the idea of mobile learning, which would allow them to access onboarding courses on their mobile devices.
Learn how to transition to a more user-friendly platform to host your eLearning courses.
3. Provide Bite-Sized Learning
Onboarding is not an event but a process, there is no point in overwhelming millennials with information all at once. Millennials prefer bite-sized learning to long training programs, so microlearning would be an ideal training format. Millennials value flexibility in the learning process and microlearning formats like quizzes, flashcards and infographics are excellent ways to provide that.
4. Implement Performance Evaluation
Include online assessments as part of the onboarding program, as Millennials value feedback. Evaluate the assessment results and provide constructive feedback on their progress in the onboarding program. For improvement of the onboarding process, collect feedback from them via surveys.
Most businesses today are having a hybrid work model and online onboarding is the necessity. Are you struggling with online onboarding? Check out this infographic for tips on effective online millennial onboarding.
To Conclude
A millennial onboarding program that combines the best of both worlds; classroom training and eLearning, maybe the most effective way to impress new hires. As this generation values employers who provide excellent training and development programs that facilitates individual growth and help in career progression. Onboarding is a crucial step in making newcomers valuable assets to your organization. Are you looking for ways to leverage onboarding for millennials by incorporating fun and interactive methods? Access our free eBook ‘Onboarding the Millennial Workforce: eLearning to the Rescue’ to know all about effective and influential millennial onboarding.