Microlearning for Millennials: 4 Meaningful Training Solutions [Infographic]
Can microlearning help train millennials effectively? With solutions like microlearning videos and gamified assessments it sure rules the roost. Set the relevance of microlearning for millennials once and for all.
![Microlearning for Millennials: 4 Meaningful Training Solutions [Infographic] Microlearning for Millennials: 4 Meaningful Training Solutions [Infographic]](https://blog.commlabindia.com/hubfs/Imported_Blog_Media/microlearning-solutions-millennials-info.jpg)
What do millennials want? Isn’t that the million dollar question that boggles the minds of most boomers, be it about their lifestyle choices, job preferences or training expectations? Unlike every generation before them, millennials were born at the turn of an era, from an analog to a digital world. Globalization, the internet age, mobile revolution, gave millennials a different perspective on the world and their place in it. And when it comes to training them to become a part of the corporate workforce, I think you can’t find a better solution than microlearning.
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But how can microlearning help in training your millennial workforce?
We often see millennials as an entitled generation, who expect too much, don’t take anything seriously, and get distracted rather easily, right? The truth is, they are a generation who has a clear understanding of what they want and like to make their own choices without any external pressure and obligation. They know that work is done more efficiently when one is able to enjoy the work and hence there is no reason to shy away from a little fun. In short, they like multitasking, and a flexible learning environment to do so.
Now that you understand millennials better, isn’t it obvious how microlearning is the perfect solution to address their training expectations? It delivers training content in bite-sized nuggets that can give specific information at the point of need. Training can be delivered in different digital learning formats be it micro videos, audio podcasts, infographics, quizzes, interactive PDFs, etc. and it gives learners a preference on how they want to learn. Moreover, a combination of microlearning and gamification drives in the edutainment factor millennials like so much.
Are you not convinced of the power of microlearning for training a millennial workforce? Here is an infographic highlighting 4 meaningful ways in which microlearning can help train the corporate millennials.