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5 eLearning Trends that Will Shape the Training World in 2019 [Infographic]

E-learning can put organizations on the path to effective learning and help achieve their business goals. Every year sees the dawn of several eLearning trends. 2019 promises to be an amazing year for learning and development; what trends does it bring? Here are 5 eLearning trends that are sure to bring a change in employee performance.

Trend 1: Supporting classroom training with online learning

Doing away with the boundaries of classroom and online learning, implementing blended learning can work wonders for learning and development.

Trend 2: Combining the power of rapid eLearning with robust instructional design

Contrary to common belief, rapid eLearning does not compromise on instructional design. It removes the bells and whistles and enables quick development.

Trend 3: Concentrating on training needs identification

When training programs are aligned with business goals, they will be of great use of learners. You needn’t worry about completion rates, as learners will ‘pull’ courses when they see the relevance.

Trend 4: Enhancing the design of Learning Management Systems

Another eLearning trend is that the design of the LMS has undergone a change to accommodate a wide variety of learning resources and customized reports.

Trend 5: Leveraging learning analytics to measure ROI

Measuring training ROI is not an easy task and remains vague, but the growing adoption of learning analytics will bring the much-needed clarity.

Check this infographic that highlights these trends and make best use of the eBook on the eLearning Trends for 2019.

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5 eLearning Trends that Will Shape the Training World in 2019 [Infographic]

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