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Top 5 eLearning Commonly Asked Questions – Answered!

In recent years, a rising number of firms have shifted to online training programs. Learning involvement, efficiency, and productivity may all be improved by creating a successful eLearning course. Working remotely was unthinkable just 30 or even 15 years ago. You’re presumably seated at your dinner table with your dinner, reading this post on your laptop, due to technology and digitalization. So, training managers, are you recognizing the value of digitalization and eLearning?

There are many questions that you may have if you are just starting started with e-learning. For your convenience, we’ve curated a list of the ten most often asked questions about e-learning, along with their solutions.

Top 4 Frequently Asked Questions About eLearning

1. Is eLearning Practical or Just an Effort to Digitize Training?

Many individuals think of online training as a good solution because of its scale rather than its efficacy. Classroom instruction and face-to-face encounters is somehow imprinted in us, even if it is not particularly convenient. However, it doesn’t mean one training modality is essentially superior to another.

It’s worth noting that, while eLearning is highly effective, it can’t always replace instructor-led training (ILT). That’s why blended learning solutions that include both ILT and online learning are frequently used to ensure a successful learning experience. Effective learning has little to do with whether training takes place in a classroom and more with how you design the experience using the materials you already have whether its online or in a classroom setting.

The effectiveness of your eLearning solution is totally dependent on how well your instructional design strategy engages learners and how well your course material is matched with the learning objectives.

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2. Is it True That Online Training Saves Time and Money?

It’s common knowledge that anything incorporating technology is bound to be costly. Though this is an important area both inside and outside of L&D, the truth is that the money and effort spent on a course is totally dependent on its length, complexity, and structure.

Audio podcasts and videos are simple to create, take little time, and are reasonably affordable. On the other hand, game-based design and simulations require a high level of interactivity, take longer to build, and cost extra.

Online learning is more cost-efficient than ILT in the long run, especially for firms with a global reach. You may eliminate recurrent expenditures such as the training location, instructor fee, employee lodging, travel, and refresher training every several months using online training. You may also use rapid eLearning solutions that use rapid authoring tools saving significantly ;on development time.

3. How Can eLearning Help People Remember What They’ve Learned?

One of the indicators of training efficacy is post-training knowledge recall. So, what about eLearning that allows learners to avoid forgetting and retaining information? A successful and captivating eLearning program combines the correct instructional approach – microlearning modules and spaced training across time.

The loss of an instructor in an eLearning course is compensated for by a well-designed instructional strategy, which includes creating assessments to reinforce and quantify training. Storytelling, Guided Learning, Scenario-based learning, LEAD (Learning Through Exploration and Discovery) are some of the tried-and-true instructional design concepts which will continue to be popular in the L&D industry.

Microlearning is made up of short, targeted learning modules that each focus on a specific learning goal. Small knowledge pieces are easier to remember than lengthy eLearning courses, according to the theory behind this training methodology. Microlearning modules deliver precise, targeted information without equivocation. They also dodge the boredom that comes with lengthy courses.

Spaced Learning provides training at periodic intervals over a period of time. When learners are given knowledge in little chunks with gaps in between, they are more likely to remember it than if they are given excessive information all at once.

4. Are New-gen eLearning Trends a Fad or Essential?

New eLearning trends such as Virtual reality, Augmented reality and Machine learning are gaining traction in L&D. These are high-end technology solutions, to be sure, but are they actually relevant for your company right now? Including these trends in online learning, is difficult as it is costly. And AI and AR/VR aren’t required for too many of your company’s training needs. They must also be specially designed, which necessitates more than simply course developers’ knowledge, and they cannot be created with rapid authoring tools.

While these emerging new learning trends may appear to be widespread in L&D, most corporate training has yet to advance to the point where they are required.

Parting Thoughts!

Employee training is critical to the growth of any firm. If you’re thinking about using online learning as part of your corporate training plan, make sure you evaluate all of the advantages. Are you now prepared to begin your online training journey?

Join LearnFlux, a three-day program where learning and development specialists share their success stories, explain how to use learning technology, explore new-age strategies, go over the basics again, and become acquainted with the new. There’s a lot to look forward to. Now is the time to reserve your seat!

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