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6 Steps for Flawless eLearning Assessments [Infographic]

We all want learners to pass eLearning assessments, don’t we? But are we making it too easy for learners? After all, we don’t want to be testing learners’ skills to recall information, we want them to demonstrate that they know what to do.

Most often, when we create performance-based eLearning assessments, this is the mistake that we make. We tend to go easy and overlook the actual learning objective. For instance, in software training, using a multiple-choice question in the assessment serves no purpose, as it’s just a test of the learner’s memory. Offering a simulation-based assessment that assesses learners on where they are supposed to click and demonstrate that they can work on the software is aligned to the learning objective.

To get practical insights on becoming an eLearning champion, register for this webinar.

Another misconception is that assessments always appear at the end of the course. Yes, summative assessments are at the end of the course. But what about before or during the course? You could have a pre-test to gauge learners existing knowledge, and formative assessments after every topic or unit in the course to help learners learn effectively and provide constructive feedback.

Check this infographic for steps to design flawless eLearning assessments.

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eLearning Assessments: 6 Best Practices to Follow

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With modern authoring tools and the LMS at our disposal, we are only limited by our imagination when it comes to effective eLearning assessment design. If you’re just getting started with instructional design, download this handy eBook that offers valuable insights on eLearning assessments.

nstructional Design 101: A Handy Reference Guide to eLearning Designers