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Importance of Creating Trailers for E-learning Courses

Importance of Creating Trailers for E-learning Courses

A short trailer of a new movie, a sneek peek at the first chapter of a new crime thriller always leave us longing for more. They compel us to visit the theaters to watch the movie or buy the book and enjoy the story. Why is this so?

The main reason for this is the curiosity levels they quicken. Our mind wants to know the unrevealed mysteries, the things which yet to come. This urge holds good even in the case of eLearning courses.

Learners will be eager to take the online learning course once they get an idea of what is covered in the course. Tell them what the course has to offer, how it will help improve their performance on the job or how it enhance their skill set, and you will have them hooked – fully convinced to take it up.

So, how do we generate this ‘buzz’ about our eLearning courses? While there may be many options, the most simple and effective strategy is to use videos.

Trailer Videos

Create a stand-alone video to let your learners know what is in store for them. This is a very effective way of gaining the learners’ attention.

1. You can create videos with a shock effect. This will be appropriate for courses dealing with issues such as harassment at the workplace, workplace safety, etc. The video can show real incidents and tell learners how the course will help them deal with such issues if and when they arise.

Videos with a shock effect

2. Videos can also be created from the elearning course itself. Such videos can contain:

  • Screens from the course (dealing with the most important topics)
  • Ice-breaker questions paired with appropriate images
  • A short speech/welcome address by the CEO/HR Head
  • Employee testimonials

Videos from the course

So, select the most suitable strategy for the video based on the course content and client requirements. This will you escalate learners’ interest levels and ensure they are motivated to take it up.

Have other interseting ideas? Do share with us.

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