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24 Anniversary CommLab India

Classroom Training or E-learning – Which is Best for Compliance Training

Every organization has to follow a set of laws which govern their industry in the country they operate. Employees need have a basic understanding of the rules and procedures relevant to their company, so that they are clear about their legal obligations while discharging their duties.

Earlier, training on applicable statutes and regulatory norms was imparted in brick and mortar classrooms. However, as organizations expand their operations to new shores and employ people in different countries, this is no longer feasible. Hence, a more practical and efficient method of training need to be adopted.

In this blog, I have discussed a few limitations of the classroom training format and how eLearning can be helpful.

Limitations of Traditional Training Method

1. More trainers are needed:

As organizations go global, they need to hire multiple instructors or make the instructors travel to impart training to the employees, which is time consuming and expensive.

2. No standardization of content:

Every trainer has a different way of teaching, and when more than one trainer is involved the same content is taught in different ways. Thus, there will be no standardization of content.

3. Can’t meet the stipulated timelines:

For the trainers to reach employees in multiple locations, they will have to adjust the training schedules to give time for the trainer to travel from one location to the other. As a result, by the time all the employees are trained, a lot of time would have passed.

4. Lack of flexibility:

Employees are always bound by tight schedules and have to reach their targets within timelines. So, they like to be trained at their own pace.

To overcome such issues, you can use eLearning.

Advantages of E-Learning

According to a survey conducted by “Towards Maturity”, about 98% of organizations prefer the technology-enabled medium to deliver compliance training as it helps avoid risks more efficiently.

Let us look at some reasons why organizations use eLearning.

1. Reach larger audience:

E-learning is flexible, and the learner can take up an online course anywhere, anytime. Thanks to mobile learning, the learners can access courses whenever they want.

2. Track learner performance:

With the help of eLearning you can train the learners and as well keep track of their performance. With this the organization can know the employees who have taken the training and their performance in it.

3. Offer interactive learning experiences:

Most compliance courses deal with complex legal provisions. With the help of scenarios, interactivities, games, case-studies and so on, training can be made interesting and effective.

Thus, eLearning can be used to deliver very effective compliance training. Hope this blog is helpful. Please do share if you have anything to add to this list.

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