A Short Checklist to Shortlist An E-learning Vendor – An Infographic
This infographic shares about a checklist which covers all the aspects you need to consider before selecting a right eLearning vendor.

Are you in dilemma whether to outsource the development of online courses or develop in-house?
In order to take the right decision, you need to have a good idea of how an eLearning courses is developed and the various components required to create an online course. This helps you determine whether you have the needed resources or capabilities to develop courses in-house. A typical eLearning course development process consists of 5 phases – analysis, design development, implementation and evaluation.
You can outsource all eLearning development activities or those in one or more phases, based on your requirements and capabilities. If you develop online courses in-house, you need to resolve issues such as developing the learning content, “blocking” the work of subject-matter experts etc.
If you outsource the development of your online course, you can avail the services of experts and “free” the in-house resources for core business activities. Furthermore, e-learning outsourcing also helps reduce operating costs.
But, it is tough to select the right eLearning vendor. There are many eLearning companies, and you can’t judge their efficiency by their advertisements and websites. Moreover, some websites are misleading.
So, to help you overcome this problem, we have compiled this very useful checklist which covers all the aspects you need to consider to zero-in on the right eLearning company.
Hope you find this post useful. Do share your views.