Important Keyboard Shortcuts in Articulate Storyline
This blog post shares the list of keyboard shortcut keys in articulate storyline.

Are you using Articulate Storyline for developing your eLearning courses? Want to know about keyboard shortcuts that can help you save time? Here is the list of shortcut keys that will be useful to you.
Shortcut keys:
1. | Alt+H | To go to the home button of the menu |
2. | Alt+N | To go to the Insert button of the menu |
3. | Alt+G | To go to the Design button of the menu |
4. | Alt+A | If you need to add animations, this key takes you to the animations option |
5. | Alt+W | If you want to change your slide views, this key takes you to view the menu window |
6. | Alt+E | To open the help window |
7. | Alt+D | To Play or Pause the video while recording |
8. | Ctrl+drag | To copy and resize the selected objects on slide |
9. | Ctrl+A | To copy all the selected objects on the slide |
10. | Ctrl+B | To bold the selected text |
11. | Ctrl+C | To copy the selected text or object |
12. | Ctrl+D | To duplicate any selected object or text |
13. | Ctrl+E | To align text to the top |
14. | Ctrl+F | To spot any word on the slide |
15. | Ctrl+G | To group multiple objects, for example images, text (we can’t group audio files) |
16. | Ctrl+I | To italicize the text on the slide |
17. | Ctrl+J | To insert picture on the slide |
18. | Ctrl+K | To open the trigger wizard window to assign trigger |
19. | Ctrl+L | To align the text to left |
20. | Ctrl+M | To open the Insert slidewindow |
21. | Ctrl+N | To create a new storyline file |
22. | Ctrl+O | To open an existing storyline file |
23. | Ctrl+R | To aligns text to the right |
24. | Ctrl+S | To saves the current project |
25. | Ctrl+T | To insert a text box |
26. | Ctrl+P | To publish to the word format |
27. | Ctrl+U | To underline selected text |
28. | Ctrl+V | To paste anything that is copied recently |
29. | Ctrl+W | To close the scene |
30. | Ctrl+Y | To go to the last-performed stage |
31. | Ctrl+Z | To undo the changes |
32. | Ctrl+Enter | To open up the format shape window |
33. | Ctrl+F12 | To preview the current slide |
34. | Shift+F9 | To show or hide grid lines |
35. | Shift+F12 | To preview the current scene |
36. | Shift+F10 | To open the properties of the selected object |
37. | Shift+drag | To move or resize the object |
38. | Alt+drag | To resize the object in pixels |
39. | Ctrl+Mouse Wheel | To zoom in and zoom out |
40. | Ctrl+Arrow | To move the selected object by one pixel |
41. | Ctrl+Shift+Arrow | To resize the selected object by one pixel |
42. | Ctrl+Shift+C | To copy the format of the selected object |
43. | Ctrl+Shift+V | To paste the copied format of the selected object |
44. | Ctrl+Shift+G | To ungroup the selected group |
45. | Ctrl+Shift+Enter | To open the size and position window |
46. | Esc | To save the recorded video |
47. | Alt+F4 | To close storyline |
48. | Print Screen | To take screenshots |
49. | Home | To move the drag point in the timeline to the start (when the timeline is selected) |
50. | End | To move the drag point in the timeline to the end (when the timeline is selected) |
51. | C | To add a marker that is called cue point in the timeline. (This helps in making identification on the timeline and very helpful to synchronize audio.) |
52. | Spacebar | To pause and play the timeline in the normal view |
53. | F1 | To go to the help page |
54. | F2 | To select the text in the text box |
55. | F3 | To go to the normal view |
56. | F4 | To go to the slide master |
57. | F5 | To go to the feedback master |
58. | F7 | To find spelling errors |
59. | F10 | To publish the course |
60. | F12 | To preview the entire project |
These are some shortcut keys that might be of some help to you. Have some more? Please add on to the list.