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Imparting Effective Induction Training Through Blended Learning

Organizations spend considerable time and money in recruiting new talent. There are many phases in the recruitment process, starting from initial screening to final selection. Once new employees join a company, they need to be provided with induction training.

Importance of Induction

New hire orientation or induction training plays vital role in retaining the employees.It will introduce the employees to the organization and gives the first impression about the company. And, it is well-known that the first impression is the best impression.

Induction training goes a long way in helping new hires become familiar with the organization’s culture and structure.It also gives them a clear idea of their perks and benefits and the policies and processes they need to follow. Induction training will also enable new recruits to match their career goals with organizational goals.

Good induction training will make new employees feel that they are a part of the organization. At the same time, it provides the employees with skills and knowledge required to perform their job duties.

How to Deliver Induction Training

Induction training is an ongoing activity not a one time affair.It can be broken down into three phases.

  1. Pre-Induction
  2. Induction
  3. Post-Induction


Pre-Induction is a creative idea to welcome and train employees before joining the organization. It is a best practice to send a welcome note along with a few online training resources which talk about the organization’s vision, mission, people and culture, to a new employee, after he accepts the offer.

These help the employee to have basic and real information about the company. Pre-induction training will be effective if wedeliver it online. Pre-induction training enables all new hires to come to the organization with the same prior knowledge.


Once an employee joins the organization, right from the day one, induction training will be provided. We need to conduct certain sessions in a classroomwhile the others can be held online. Using blended learning to impart induction training is very useful to enhance productivity quickly. For example,we can use a trainer to explain new hires about a company and introduce them to its key people. The trainer can also take them through the premises of the organization and help them interact with the team. We can use e-learning modules to train new recruits on company’s history and values. E-learning can also be used to explain a new employee’s job role and responsibilities and the policies and safety procedures that he needs to follow.


An evaluation needs to be conducted after the completion of the induction program.This will help the organization know whether the program is effective or not. Also, the induction process can be improved by analyzing the feedback from each employee.You can provide each employee with a hand book and other online training material to reinforce the learning.

Induction training can be effectively delivered through a blended approach.A well-designed learning blend can motivate new hires very effectively and help them get used to their work in quick time. Please share your thoughts.

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