5 Incredible Ways E-learning Engages Learners in Regulatory Compliance Training
Tired of the same old format of compliance training with minimum results? Try a digital learning approach and watch things change.

Compliance training goes a long way in establishing a good reputation for your organization. Compliance deals with relevant industry laws, rules, regulations and policies, that help governing authorities establish a common standard for all companies. Compliance training aims to avoid or detect any compliance violations by employees that could lead to legal troubles or hurt the brand image of your organization. At the same time, it adds great value and status to your business, which gives you an unmatched advantage over your competitors.
However, when it actually comes to imparting compliance training, it is easier said than done. Since compliance topics include text-heavy rules and regulations pertaining to your industry, it often becomes mundane. Employees display diminished interest in compliance training as they find it dull and boring. To top that, they don’t give compliance trainings their 100% since it is not directly related to the work they do.
Solely using classroom sessions for your compliance training can prove to be insufficient to ignite interest in your learners. To engage your employees better in all matters of compliance, you should use an e-learning program. Let’s explore some ways in which e-learning courses can pave the way for better compliance learning:
1. Makes It Interesting
E-learning courses free learners from the shackles of too-much-text. With digital learning, you are free to explore a wide array of innovative learning methods. You can compress a huge chunk of information using an infographic or use videos to break complicated compliance issues and policies into easily graspable information nuggets. Not just the learning methods, even the look and feel of the course can be fine-tuned to make the course appealing. Use a clutter-free design with light colors and concise information sections to ensure a smooth course.
2. Makes It Relatable
Compliance training doesn’t create the necessary impact in the minds of learners as it fails to tell them the real-life ramifications of the compliance policies. E-learning courses can put an end to this using scenario-based or story-based learning. This method creates a relatable situation around the practical work life of your organization. This way, your learners not only get to know the rules and regulations related to their work, but also get an idea of why they are put in in the first place.
3. Makes it Immersive
Conventional learning methods fail to make learners a part of the compliance training process. This way, your learners are always aloof from the content being played in front of them. Digital learning methods like game-based learning make employees a part of the learning process. It creates an immersive game around your compliance training content, that your learners are required to play to grasp the necessary knowledge. This allows your employees have fun while learning about your compliance parameters.
4. Makes It Stress Free
When it comes to conventional compliance learning, employees are stressed about clearing tests and assessments. This makes employees too focused on just passing the exam and not learning and retaining the needed knowledge. E-learning courses can help you break this stress-filled thinking using fun assessments. In e-learning, you can use innovative methods of evaluating the knowledge of your learners. Interactivities such as drag and drop, click to reveal, scenarios, mini games, and more can be used as out of the box assessments. Your learners will no longer feel cloistered by using fun assessments like that.
5. Makes It Accessible
Classroom learning happens only once, twice if you are lucky. But with this single shot of learning, there is no guarantee of effective knowledge transfer. E-learning courses can help you bridge this gap by being available for your learners all the time. E-learning courses use responsive course design that ensures seamless course functioning across all your devices. On top of that, digital programs also use short microlearning courses that cover just a single topic comprehensively. This makes your compliance training content accessible to your employees at all times.
Adapt a digital learning program and give your compliance training a breath of the much needed fresh air. Just make sure to select an e-learning vendor who has experience in creating courses for your domain, for the highest quality courses.