Blend Classroom with E-learning for Successful ERP Training
Find out which is the ideal training method to deliver effective ERP end-user training for successful ERP implementation and achieving the desired results.

According to a survey conducted by Gartner, 55% to 75% of all ERP implementations do not provide the desired results. What could be the reason behind it? It is providing ineffective training to ERP end-users. According to statistics, one of the challenges related to successful ERP implementations is lack of quality end-user training. It is a known fact that lack of quality training and improper training to end-users, will render the software application of no use to the company.
Different methods such as instructor-led training /classroom training, self-paced learning, and e-learning are available to train ERP end-users. But being a training manager, you may not know which could be the ideal method to train your ERP end-users. Well, a blend of classroom training and e-learning is the ideal option to get the desired results and business benefits by providing proper ERP end-user training.
Blend of classroom training and e-learning
Classroom or instructor-led training
First, deliver classroom training to your ERP end-users before they go-live with the software application. In classroom training, demonstrate the functionalities of the software and explain how to use the software. Pause the presentation intermittently and pose questions. This will make your end-users think of what they’ve learnt so far and take decisions.
A complex software system such as ERP cannot be mastered only by watching a few demonstrations in the classroom. It needs hands-on training on the software to avoid mistakes and implement the ERP system successfully. E-learning can ensure that end-users get hands-on training on the ERP system.
Once the ERP end-users view how the software works in a classroom, then they can be provided hands-on training through software training simulations (‘Watch-Try-Do’ approach). This will reinforce ERP end-users’ learning before they go-live.
Wondering what this approach is? Read on.
Watch-Try-Do approach is a three-step process. In the Watch phase, show end-user how to use the software application and how it works in the form of a video with detailed instructions. In the Try phase, allow end-users to try out the application in a virtual environment under some guidance. Finally, in the Do phase, ask end-users to do it by themselves. This phase helps you test end-users’ knowledge too. In case they get stuck at any point of time, they have the option to call for help.
Hence, blend classroom training with e-learning for successful ERP implementations and achieve the desired results.