Blended Learning for Compliance Training in the Automobile Industry
Find out how you can use a blend of learning formats to deliver effective compliance training to the automotive workforce.

The automobile industry is one the most important sectors in the American economy. This sector provides employment to nearly 7.25 million people in the country and contributes 3 – 3.5% to the nation’s total gross domestic product.
This vital sector of the nation’s economy is regulated by various laws, and it is essential that automobile companies deliver good training on applicable statutes and regulatory norms to their workforce to avoid huge penalties and damage to their reputation.
How can automobile companies train their people on regulatory aspects?
For years, US automotive firms imparted compliance training to their people only in classrooms. But, with the advent of e-learning, many organizations have started using online courses in tandem with instructor-led training (ILT) sessions to train their people. A blend of ILT and online learning formats helps impart the best training because it helps companies provide a high degree of flexibility to learners. Learners can be better involved through various types of instructional material such as PowerPoint presentations, videos, online courses, and so on.It helps firms reap the advantages of the online learning medium, while retaining the “human touch” in their training programs.
How to use blended learning to impart compliance training to automobile workforce?
Here are a few tips to deliver effective training on compliance matters through a blend of learning formats.
Use ILT and e-learning to educate staff on the importance of compliance training
A blend of online and classroom learning methodologies can be used to educate your staff members onthe importance of the compliance training program.
- An e-learning course containing a short video from the CEO or other members of the top brass, explaining the necessity of compliance training can be of great help.
For instance, one of our clients released a video, containing a message from its CEO, where the loss suffered by another automaker due to compliance violations was highlighted. The video urged staff to actively participate in the compliance training and prevent such violations from occurring. And, the video had the desired impact on the workforce. - You can also release “teasers” of e-learning courses on the applicable norms to dispel notions that they are boring (this is important as many learners believe compliance training programs are bland, as they deal with laws and regulatory norms.)
- Short ILT sessions can be conducted, where managers explain to their team members how the training helps them perform specific job tasks without violating statutes.
For instance, managers of the Quality Control (QC) department can underscore the importance of the training by telling their people it would help them manufacture vehicles that don’t violate norms pertaining to CO2 emissions from their vehicles.
Blend classroom and technology-enabled learning formats to impart safety training
The automotive industry employs hundreds of thousands of workers who work with a variety of machines and substances. Companies are mandated by law to train these people on safety aspects, and failing to do so could lead to serious consequences.
You can use blended learning to educate your people on industrial safety. One of our clients in the auto components manufacturing space trains its people on safe welding procedures in workshops. The client also uses 5 minute animated videos to demonstrate the use of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and safe handling of Gas Tungsten Arc Gas Welding (GTAW/TIG) equipment. You can develop effective animated videos at low cost, thanks to rapid online course authoring tools such as Articulate Storyline.
Train people on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) using ILT, e-learning, and m-learning
It is very important for automobile companies to follow GMPs, as non-compliance could result in the manufacture of defective products, resulting in serious consequences. A hybrid learning approach can be adopted to educate your people on GMPs.
Classroom training sessions are very useful to deliver training on GMPs. For instance, one of our clients trains its manufacturing staff on GMPs pertaining to the construction of fuel-injection systems of their heavy vehicles through the ILT format.
The online learning medium can be used to complement the classroom training sessions on GMPs. Bite-sized e-learning modules, each spanning not more than 10 minutes, are used to educate staff on the consequences of their violations, alongside classroom sessions. You can also use mobile-compatible checklists to help your manufacturing workforce ensure GMPs are followed.
Deliver training on other compliance aspects using e-learning and m-learning
Companies also need to train their staff members on various other aspects such as workplace harassment prevention, anti-bribery stipulations, etc. You can use a blend of e-learning and m-learning methodologies to deliver good training on these aspects. Video-based online courses are very useful to impart engaging and high impact compliance training. For instance, an e-learning course containing videos can be very useful to deliver excellent training on the prevention of sexual harassment at work.
You can also use online courses containing scenarios to help your people identify potential violation of laws. For example, you can use e-learning scenarios to enable your learners determine whether gifting tickets to a potential customer for a match at Flushing Meadows constitutes a breach of anti-bribery legislations.
You can consider delivering bite-sized online compliance training modules, on the smartphones and tablet PCs of your learners. These modules serve as “ready-reckoners” and can be referred by your people whenever they are not sure iftheir actions violate rules.
You can use a blend of learning methods to deliver compliance training to automotive workforce. A blend of e-learning and ILT formats can be used to educate your staff members about the importance of compliance training. A hybrid learning approach that uses online and classroom training methodologies is very useful to train your people on industrial safety. You can use a blend of workshops, technology-enabled learning, and m-learning formats to impart good training on GMPs. A blend of e-learning and m-learning formats can be used to provide effective training on compliance aspects such as workplace harassment prevention, anti-bribery stipulations, etc.