10 Ways to Unleash the Power of M-learning for Sales Training – Part 1
Are you looking for ways to use the mobile device to enhance the performance of your sales reps? Well, here are 10 ways you can unleash the power of mobile devices to enable your reps meet their quotas effectively.

Do you wish to use m-learning to train your sales reps? Are you looking for ways to use the mobile device to enhance the performance of your sales reps? Well, here are 10 ways you can unleash the power of mobile devices to enable your reps meet their quotas effectively.
1. Using podcasts
Podcasts are very useful to train the travelling sales rep. He can listen to the sales training content in the form of a podcast very conveniently while travelling or driving. These learning resources can be accessed very effectively through Smartphones and tablets. Consider this scenario.
A medical rep is driving from his office in Bronx to Manhattan to meet a neurophysician. He can plug into his iPhone and listen to how his firm’s new epilepsy drug has lesser side effects than similar products of competitors.
2. Harnessing explainer videos
Videos are ideal tools to train your sales reps through m-learning. Short videos can be used very effectively to explain the working of products to your sales staff. They are also very useful to demonstrate the functioning of the products to your prospects. Consider the following scenario.
A salesman of a medical device manufacturing company is interacting with the purchasing committee members of a hospital, trying to sell his firm’s new product that makes spine surgeries easier. One of the members asks the sales rep to explain how the product works. The rep shows the member an animated video on his iPad that explains the functioning of the product very clearly.
3. Delivering microlearning modules
Online microlearning courses are well-suited for imparting training through mobile devices. This is because the small screen sizes of these devices make it hard to focus effectively for long periods. E-learning nuggets are very useful to close the knowledge gaps of your sales reps. Here is a common scenario.
A salesperson of an original equipment manufacturer in Germany needs to deliver a presentation to a prospective client based in the USA. The sales rep, who was busy with his work, could not brush up his knowledge of the firm’s latest product. He accesses a bite-sized online sales training module that explains the unique benefits of the product while waiting at the airport and travelling, and this helps him bridge the knowledge gap.
4. Leveraging mobile apps
M-learning apps are very useful to train your sales force and provide just-in-time (JIT) knowledge support at the point of need. Consider this scenario.
A pharmaceutical sales rep is holding a conversation with a pulmonologist about his company’s latest drug for a rare disease that results in lung inflammation. The physician seeks statistical information regarding the number of patients suffering from the disease. The rep opens an app on his tablet, which is connected to a data-mining platform and provides the required information instantly.
M-learning can be used to deliver sales training of high efficacy. Podcasts delivered on mobile devices can impart convenient and effective training to your sales force. Explainer videos can be rendered very effectively on Smartphones and tablet PCs and go a long way in helping your salespeople demonstrate the functioning of your products. Microlearning modules enable your sales reps learn conveniently on mobile devices, while mobile apps are ideal tools to provide them good JIT knowledge support. In my next blog, we will look at other ways of unleashing the power of m-learning for sales training. So, stay tuned.