5 Ways Lectora Can Help in Dealing with Distracted Learners
This blog highlights ways in which Lectora can help training managers roll out e-learning courses that capture the attention of distracted learners.

Training is an investment, not only in employee skill-building but also in the growth of the business. Do you know if learners in your organization are finding the online training programs engaging or is your training budget going down the drain? Corporate learners of today need quick access to information and have a dwindling attention span. With calls, emails, and messages clamoring for attention, learners are easily distracted.
How do you design courses that keep the learners engaged? Well for starters, you could try using Lectora as the authoring tool and explore different ways in which the tool helps you design awesome online training programs to deal with distracted learners.
1. Reality Check With Real-Life Scenarios
If an online training program is only about memorizing facts and passing assessments, learners will not find it engaging. Scenarios can help learners deal with real world challenges and the consequences of their choices without any risk. It helps learners understand how they can apply the skills they have learned in the e-learning course, on the job.
Lectora 17 makes it possible to create and import scenarios using the BranchTrack application. There are tons of scenario templates in the template library. It is also possible to create branching scenarios that take the learner on a learning path that’s based on the choices they make. Each branching scenario offers a challenge, multiple choices, and consequences for those choices.
2. Fun With Gamification
Learners often have short attention spans and can get distracted easily. It is a good idea to gamify the learning experience as it brings out the competitive spirit in learners and helps them stay focused on the task at hand.
Lectora offers game templates to add the required dose of interactivity in the e-learning course. Choose from Flash-based game templates such as casino and card games, board and dice games, or create your own custom game. The impressive collection of pre-created game templates, graphics, and animations makes it easy to implement gamification in online training programs.
3. Move to Mobile Learning
Mobile learning is just what is needed for corporate employees who like to learn on-the-go. The increasing BYOD trend requires organizations to get their online training programs mobile-ready. Bite-sized mLearning modules are perfect for learners who tend to get distracted easily.
Lectora supports HTML5 for mobile devices. So it’s easy to create online training programs that are accessible through multiple mobile devices. The responsive course design (RCD) feature in Lectora offers an optimal user experience across a variety of mobile devices such as phones, tablets, and laptops. You only have to publish content once, and it can be distributed seamlessly on multiple mobile devices.
4. Provide Personalized Learning
While branched scenarios are a great way to provide a personalized learning path to learners, it may not be possible to have one for every e-learning course. Personalized learning is possible in simple ways too. For instance, capturing a learner’s name at the beginning of the course and then addressing the learner by name throughout the course is a simple way of personalization. This is possible by using a variable to store the learner’s name.
It is also possible to display training content according to a learner’s job role. Lectora offers variables, actions, and triggers to add interactivity to the e-learning course.
5. Engage with Video-Based Learning
Videos are a great way to capture learners’ attention. Camtasia Studio is a screen capturing and recording tool integrated with Lectora Inspire 17 that helps you build video-based e-learning courses.
Create interactive videos with quizzes, apply transition effects, record and add audio, or incorporate screen recordings and videos in e-learning courses. With the latest version of Lectora, there is no need to switch to multiple tools to create videos and simulations that need to be included in the online training program.
Lectora has a host of features that can be utilized to create great e-learning courses and make training delivery successful. If your online training program is not engaging, learners will struggle to focus their attention. Lectora might just be the authoring tool that you need, to design amazing e-learning courses that will effectively handle distracted learners in your organization.