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24 Anniversary CommLab India

7 Questions to Ask Before Implementing Mobile Learning [Infographic]

With Next Gen employees preferring to access learning resources on their mobile devices, many organizations have already taken the initiative to implement mobile learning or are contemplating mobile learning implementation. If your organization is just getting started on mobile learning, it is essential to have a well-defined mobile learning strategy in place. It helps to remember that mobile learning may not be the perfect solution for every training need.

Mobile learning works wonderfully when you are considering:

  • A microlearning solution
  • A performance support solution

There’s nothing that can match the flexibility of flipping out your smartphone and accessing information that will address your ‘moment of need’. One word of caution, your m-learning initiative requires some careful planning. Do not get on to the mobile learning bandwagon without asking yourself these questions, shared in the infographic.

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7 Questions to Ask Before Implementing Mobile Learning [Infographic]

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Mobile Learning: How to Overcome Implementation Barriers