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An Overview of World Food Day

An Overview of World Food Day

“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”

            ― J.R.R. Tolkien

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations designated 16th October as the World Food Day in 1979. One of the most celebrated days of the UN calendar, World Food Day is an action-oriented day dedicated to tackling global hunger.

Celebrated every year since 1981, people all over the world come together on this day to work toward the common resolution of a ‘#ZeroHunger World’. Food is a basic and fundamental human right and the day addresses this issue. It helps raise awareness of problems in food supply and distribution.

FAO aims to raise nutrition levels across the world, improve agricultural productivity, enhance the lives of rural inhabitants, and contribute toward the global economy. Countries changing their agricultural policies and famine-stricken regions are assisted by the FAO to help implement proper technology and come up with solutions around food concerns.

A wide range of programs are organized at the FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy. More than 150 countries take part in promoting awareness about and taking action for those without access to proper food, and for the need to ensure food security and nutritious diet for all. The program is also targeted at increasing media attention on the topical food supply problem.

Other UN organizations, political and non-political leaders, and universities are included to organize symposia, workshops, conferences, and presentations on issues related to food production, distribution, and security. Special initiatives are also launched, such as the “International Year of Rice” in 2004 and the “International Year of the Potato” in 2008.

All over the world, events are also organized to raise money for projects that aid the cultivation of food plants and food distribution. These projects encourage and help farmers improve agricultural production along with improving local communities’ food facilities and farmers’ income. In the recent past, FAO has been using the annual observance of the World Food Day as a platform to concentrate on other agricultural aspects such as biodiversity, climate change, and fishing communities.

Food for Thought!

The drastic change in our lifestyle and eating habits from seasonal food to junk and processed food, especially in urban areas has led to the pitiful coexistence of obesity and hunger. Also, the pathetic state of food crisis among the lower strata of society is more of a man-made famine resulting from careless food handling and wastage.

We unintentionally waste a lot of food every day. Can you think of ways to minimize food wastage? Or ways to channelize leftover food to be accessible to the needy? Who knows, a small step by you today can lead to a giant leap for mankind tomorrow.

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An Overview of World Food Day

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