5 Ways to Improve Retention in E-learning Courses [Infographic]
This infographic shares a few ways to improve retention in eLearning courses.
Organizations worldwide spend billions of dollars to train their employees. Training helps the workforce learn something new or improve their existing skills. But the question is, will your employees be able to implement what they learn from the training programs in their work?
What blocks the conversion of skills acquired through training into efficient organizational performance? A major obstacle is the lack of knowledge retention. Research says people tend to forget 80-90% of what they have learned in just one month after the training.
After putting in huge efforts and time, if the learner doesn’t remember anything after completing the training, its basic purpose is lost. So what can be done to overcome this problem? Well, there are a few ways to improve retention in e-learning courses.
Curious to know what they are? Then, check out our infographic below.