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24 Anniversary CommLab India

Microlearning to Revitalize Your Various Training Programs

When was the last time you went down to the library to gather some information? Not recently, I guess. But, when was the last time you browsed the Internet or used your smartphone to collect information? A while ago, I bet! Actually, even now! So why do you prefer Internet browsing over finding information in books? Because most of the information present on the web is easily digestible and mostly bite-sized. This is exactly how the current workforce prefers learning too. The more digestible the training content, the more appealing it is to them. Microlearning is all about that!

What is Microlearning?

Microlearning is a short, focused, and digestible learning format that meets a specific learning outcome. These are usually delivered using rich media formats such as videos, infographics, and animations, thus making learning more appealing to learners.

In this blog, we will specifically look into how exactly microlearning can be incorporated in various types of training.

How to Use Microlearning?

1. Compliance Training

Compliance training is all about insipid laws and regulations, and dry policies. The greatest challenge you might face while training your employees on these topics might be their lack of attention. But microlearning is known to keep employees engaged and immersed throughout the course, no matter how monotonous the content might be.

Use Infographics: Infographics are a very powerful microlearning format that uses text and images to deliver information. This format can be used to list the key points based on categories.

For example, you might want your employee to know about the Dos and Don’ts of handling company’s data safely. An infographic that lists the Dos and Don’ts can be delivered to them in their smartphones or desktops so that they can access as and when they need to.

Use Scenarios: Scenario-based learning is known to allow learners to make mistakes and learn from them in a safe environment. You must make sure that your employees know all the policies to avoid any negative consequences in the future. Decision making and branching scenarios will help them build real world experiences by putting themselves to test.

2. Software Training

Often, employees might come across various doubts while operating new software. This is why using microlearning, which can also be used as a just-in-time learning resource, will prove to be very beneficial to the employees.

Use Simulations: Try simulations gives learners an environment to try the process with appropriate hints provided. The greater the number of times the learner engages in executing the process, the more the reinforcement of learning happens. The repetitiveness of trying the process over and over again will help them perform better in their work too.

Suppose you recently introduced an ERP software in your organization and have trained your employees on the basic actions such as how to login or how to close an invoice. As performance support, you can offer them simulations on the same tasks. This will allow your employees the choice to access this simulation training on their smartphones or desktops to overcome any doubts that creep up.

Use Infographics: Infographics are usually very catchy and reading from them does not seem to be a stressful task at all. These infographics can be used to provide just-in-time training to your employees on how to use a particular software, or things to be careful of while performing a particular action within that software. The blend of images and text explaining these steps usually makes it very engaging.

Use Videos: Videos are known to be a very powerful tool to deliver information. To deliver effective software training to your employees, a bite-sized video can be designed for your employees explaining how a particular software should be operated.

For example, a micro video on how to perform the basic actions in the ERP can be delivered to your employees. They can watch the video when and wherever necessary, thus assisting them in performing better.

3. New Hire Training

When a new employee joins your organization, they will be trained on various aspects. And as new hires, they will naturally have a lot of questions and doubts regarding their work. Wouldn’t it be great if they could get the solution to their doubts instantly? This is when microlearning comes into action!

Use Tutorial Videos: A new hire might not be able to remember how to perform all the tasks in their job instantly. They will definitely take time to gain expertise in their work. They cannot keep taking an entire online course each time a doubt creeps in their minds, can they?

So why not provide them with instant bite-sized videos that cater to all the FAQs related to their work? Your new hires can easily check these videos whenever they have any doubts and thus proceed with their task.

Use Simulations: Simulation videos can be delivered to new hires mimicking the important tasks they are supposed to perform in their new position. For example, an employee who recently joined as an HR executive can be given a simulation that shows the various steps involved in performing a task, maybe submission of time sheets, using the HRIS tool.

This will help the employee get a perfect idea of what exactly they are expected to do when they begin their job. Once they receive practical education on their daily tasks, your new hires will be all ready to set foot into the real world.

4. Product Sales Training

Delivering training to sales professionals is one of the hardest tasks. It is literally impossible to make your sales force go through hour-long training programs or gather all of them together in a classroom to deliver training as they are always on the go. So, what better way to train them than through microlearning?

Use Videos: Maybe you have the need to train your employees on effective communication, understand your customers better, and improve client interactions. Now instead of making an hour-long video to cater to these subjects, you could deliver small micro videos on each of these subjects. You could also make the videos animated using various avatars, thus letting them relate better.

Suppose you want to train your sales force on a product that has been recently launched. A short bite-sized video can be developed explaining the key features of the product, thus allowing your reps to access the video whenever they want to and grasp the content easily in no time.

Use Infographics: How wonderful would it be if you could just take a look at the content for a few minutes and grasp all the necessary information? Well, that is just about what an infographic offers. Considering that sales force is always on the go, an infographic that covers all the key features of a product would be the perfect training format.

 5. Workplace Safety Training

Every organization provides workplace safety training to prevent their employees from getting injured or falling ill. Sometimes traditional training methods might not be enough to train your employees on workplace safety. Microlearning can help you here.

Use Animated Videos: Actual footage of accidents might not be available. This is when animated videos can be used for training employees on workplace safety.

For example, an animated video can be developed on how handling the safety harness the wrong way when working from heights might lead to a grave accident. This is a subject that cannot be actually shot in real life, hence animated video can be used to provide the same message as an actual footage.

Use Scenarios: Scenario-based learning prepares learners to face real-life situations in the future, by enhancing their decision making and problem-solving skills.

Suppose you want to train your employees on the procedures to be followed while working with hazardous chemicals. A scenario-based microlearning module can be developed, which will show your employees the various consequences they might face they if they do not follow those procedures.

For example, a scenario can be shown in which an individual’s hand gets burnt as he does not take the measure to protect his hand by wearing gloves. Thus, by the end of the course, your employees will be aware of what exactly they need to be careful of while at work.

Your employees can open these bite-sized modules in their smartphones right before working, thus acting as a performance support tool and avoiding accidents in the future.

But Why Use Microlearning?

Microlearning is known to help employees in many ways. Here are a few ways how:

Consumes less time

Microlearning is all about bite-sized content. Accessing a small video or an infographic will consume less time compared to other methods of training. This will help learners focus on work rather than spending hours on training.

Increases productivity

The more your employees are away from work, the lesser their productivity gets. Since microlearning consumes less time and they can spend more time on work, productivity will naturally increase.

Is Accessible Anywhere, Anytime

Since microlearning formats can be delivered on mobile devices, your employees can access the training content anywhere, anytime. This advantage will prove to be a boon to your sales force and other employees who are always on the go!

So, why would you use microlearning and for which training types?

Where Does Microlearning Fit in Your Learning Strategy?