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How to Use Microlearning Before, During, and After Training [Infographic]

What is it about bite-sized microlearning modules that have made them an indispensable part of modern corporate training strategies?

One of the most notable among its many benefits is that microlearning has managed to flip the ‘forgetting curve’ and turn it into the ‘retention curve’. Bite-sized nuggets can create sticky learning experiences that provide learners with on-demand access to learning modules that are focused on achieving a specific performance-based learning objective.

They can also aid reinforcement of training by supplementing formal training and providing performance support, taking learners on a transformational learning path.

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What makes microlearning interesting is the fact that it can be used in different stages of the learning journey. You can use it to generate interest in learners before commencing formal training, or even use it to deliver pre-training before the actual training. You can easily blend bite-sized learning to fit into virtual or classroom training schedules. Or you could leverage it post-training for learning reinforcement.

Check this infographic to find out how microlearning can be leveraged in different stages of corporate training.

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Microlearning in Corporate Training: Actionable Tips for Effective Usage

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Whatever the reasons to use microlearning, know that it’s a sure-shot strategy that can deliver excellent results and improve your ROI on training. To get firsthand knowledge on achieving organizational goals with microlearning, don’t forget to download our ‘Microlearning 101’ eBook.

Where Does Microlearning Fit in Your Learning Strategy?