4 Types of Microlearning Assessments and their Benefits [Infographic]
Microlearning assessments are of different types and offer wonderful benefits to learners. Do you know these four types of microlearning assessments?
![4 Types of Microlearning Assessments and their Benefits [Infographic]](https://blog.commlabindia.com/hubfs/Imported_Blog_Media/microlearning-assessments-formats-benefits-infographic.jpg)
Assessments were always an integral part of eLearning and continue to remain so. But with learning delivered in short nuggets becoming increasingly popular, is it time to revamp our assessment strategies too? Just like microlearning modules, microlearning assessments are gaining popularity.
Micro assessments work well for learners with busy work schedules who love the flexibility of anywhere, anytime learning. Microlearning assessments are a great strategy to use when you want to make assessments stress-free. Also, they make it easier to test learners at regular intervals.
Combining microlearning assets such as videos, infographics, and animations with traditional assessments offers considerable benefits to your evaluation strategy. What’s more, they also help in reinforcement of training. If learners are unable to perform well in a specific module, they can be guided through the module again for reinforcement. This will ensure effective transfer of knowledge to the workplace.
Here’s an infographic that lists four types of microlearning assessment formats and highlights their benefits.