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24 Anniversary CommLab India

30 Inspirational Quotes to Share This Holiday Season

The holiday season has come! This is the season of goodwill and cheer. Happiness is shared when family and friends get together and exchange gifts. The end of the year means Christmas and all the good things associated with it.

Here are some quotes to go with the thought.

  1. Christmas can’t be bought from a store. Maybe Christmas means a little bit more – Seuss
  2.  At no other time during the year is the spirit of giving and sharing more alive in people’s hearts. Keep this spirit of Christmas in your heart all year long – Sam Longhorn
  3. Our culture and television tells us that Christmas is about buying stuff but actually Christmas is about loving others and the promise of love, forgiveness, and grace that the Savior brings – Henry Owen
  4. Christmas is more than a time of festivities, family, and friends; it is a season of generosity, gladness, and gratitude – William Arthur Ward
  5. Giving your presence might be the best Christmas gift you could give someone this year – Ken Fite
  6. Christmas has always meant family and sharing, and showing love and appreciation for those around you – Morris Fenris
  7. We should learn the true Christmas lesson of gentle, thoughtful kindness to those we love and to all we meet in life’s busy ways -J. R. Miller
  8. Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone – Charles Schulz
  9. Christmas gift suggestions: To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect – Oren Arnold
  10. The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other – Burton Hillis
  11. Christmas is the season when people run out of money before they run out of friends – Larry Wilde
  12. Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas – Peg Bracken
  13. Probably the reason we all go so haywire at Christmas time with the endless unrestrained and often silly buying of gifts is that we don’t quite know how to put our love into word s- Harlan Miller
  14. For centuries men have kept an appointment with Christmas. Christmas means fellowship, feasting, giving and receiving, a time of good cheer, home – J. Tucker
  15. One of the nice things about Christmas is that you can make people forget the past with a present – Author Unknown
  16. Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts – Janice Maeditere
  17. When we recall Christmas past, we usually find that the simplest things—not the great occasions—give off the greatest glow of happiness – Bob Hope
  18. Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love – Hamilton Wright Mabie

This is also the season of giving, when people buy gifts for friends and family.

  1. Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more – Jackson Brown, Jr.
  2. Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love – Lao Tzu
  3. We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give ― Winston S. Churchill
  4. As we struggle with shopping lists and invitations, compounded by December’s bad weather, it is good to be reminded that there are people in our lives who are worth this aggravation, and people to whom we are worth the same- Donald E. Westlake
  5. As we rush around buying presents, we must always remember that “our presence rather than our presents” is one of the greatest gifts we can give – Catherine Pulsifer
  6. The joy of brightening other lives, bearing each other’s’ burdens, easing others’ loads and supplanting empty hearts and lives with generous gifts becomes for us the magic of the holidays – WC Jones
  7. Love the giver more than the gift – Brigham Young

Finally, I leave you with some thoughts on holidays.

  1. Once again, we come to the Holiday Season, a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in his own way, by going to the mall of his choice – Dave Barry
  2. One should live between extravagance and meanness. Don’t save money by starving your mind. It is false economy never to take a holiday, or never to spend money for an evening’s amusement or for a useful book- Orison Swett Marden
  3. New Year’s Day is every man’s birthday Charles Lamb
  4. There’s something about a holiday that isn’t all about how much money you spend – Hilarie Burton
  5. My normal life is like being on holiday – Valentino Rossi

Wish you and your family happy holidays filled with joy and happiness.

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