Information Security Through Game-based Learning – How & Why Does It Work
Take your information security training to a new level with game-based learning.

Information is one of the most important organizational assets. For any organization, information is valuable and should be appropriately protected. Depending upon your area of business, a wide variety of information might be critical to you. Right from product information like designs, patent applications, and source code, to financial information like market assessments and financial records to customer information like confidential data of clients. No matter how large or small your company is, you need to have a plan to ensure the security of your information assets.
Failure to protect your data’s confidentiality might result in customer information being stolen, with legal consequences and a loss of goodwill. Lose your clients’ confidential information and you may have fewer of them in the future. Information security training will help organizations safeguard their customers’ data and security information. An effective information security training program can reduce the risk of crisis in the organization.
Information security training involves educating employees on what they should and shouldn’t do when handling company data in their jobs. Educating employees about rules, regulations, and dos and don’ts – in a way that is engaging can be very challenging. The subject matter for such trainings is filled with procedures and best practices that the learners are expected to remember while performing their jobs.
E-learning is not only the simplest but also the most economical and convenient means to impart information security training to your employees. The content can be presented using visual aids, scenarios, case studies and videos that can help in reinforcing your security messages. Quizzes can be used to assess learners on what they have learned and help them identify the areas in which they need to improve. Moreover, it is easy to update online training content, which helps you stay up to date with the volatile world of the Internet.
So, Can The E-Learning Experience Be Enhanced Further?
Definitely yes. By using game-based content, the information security training experience of your employees can be increases exponentially. Games use various interactive techniques to teach us goals, rules, adaptation, problem solving, interaction, and consequences all represented as a story. The dos and don’ts related to the security of your information can be mapped into a captivating game.
As games get users actively involved in understanding the rules of data protection, , it triggers the fundamental learning centers of the brain and allows users to grasp information firmly. Even procedures that help your company safeguard its data can be turned into fun games. Games make users actually perform these procedures or steps through some character or unique situation. When tedious procedures are converted into fun activities, users embrace it whole heartedly and even apply the same in their practical jobs. Even a simple training for creating a strong password can be converted into a game.
Using game-based content can become a pillar stone in a bid to protect your organization’s sensitive information. Below are some advantages that game-based content brings to the table:
1. Learner Motivation
Learners can remain highly motivated by using game-based content. Games invoke the natural tendencies of competition and push learners to do better with each attempt. Rest assured that your information security content will not lose steam mid-way.
2. Learner Attention
Games prevent the monotony that your information security content can impose on the learners. Game-based learning helps your employees to stay focused and concentrate effectively throughout the course.
3. Information Recall
Your information security training is as good as the recall value it has on your employees. If people cannot remember what to do or not do during a practical work situation then your data is at a severe risk. Games facilitate effective recall of information as the learning took place in an active and fun environment.
4. Reinforce Knowledge
E-learning programs can provide a good return on investment when knowledge stays with users for a long period. Game-based content forms strong association patterns in the learners’ brain that help them associate information with actions. This assures that knowledge stays with the learners for a long time after the digital program is over.
5. Stress-Free Learning
Games-based content does a great job at making your information security courses fun. The interactivity of a game combined with attractive graphics and sound effects can create a learning environment that is completely free of stress. This results in a better learning experience and increases the willingness of employees to undertake more courses.
Implement game-based learning for your information security training and add a new layer of security for all your sensitive data -Just like CommLab India did for an Electronics Manufacturing giant. Based on their unique data privacy needs they created a 2D virtual course with gamification and scenario elements that helped users adhere to the company’s privacy policy. The Data Privacy course helped employees understand their role in keeping data safe and using it responsibly where appropriate. Read the case study right here.